Mot-clé : coalition-s
Comment conserver ses droits d’auteur lors de la soumission d’un article avec la stratégie de non-cession des droits ?
« Lorsque vous soumettez un article à une revue à abonnement (qui n’est donc pas en Open Access) et que votre…21.01.2025
Pricing framework to foster global equity in scholarly publishing: webinar
« Watch the webinar to learn how the Equitable Pricing Framework, developed by Information Power for cOAlition S, aims to make…28.10.2024
Peer-reviewed preprints and the Publish-Review-Curate model
« The traditional scientific publication model, characterized by gate-keeping editorial decisions, has come under increasing criticism. Opponents argue that it is…15.10.2024
cOAlition S announces the release of an independent study on the impact of Plan S
« (…) Titled “Galvanising the Open Access Community: A Study on the Impact of Plan S”, the report combines quantitative analysis…01.08.2024
Pricing framework to foster global equity in scholarly publishing
« cOAlition S is pleased to announce the release of a new pricing framework designed to foster global…03.07.2024
« Towards Responsible Publishing »: Findings from a global stakeholder consultation
« Research Consulting and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) were commissioned to…22.04.2024
Beyond article-based charges working group: an update on progress
« Since September 2023, cOAlition S, in partnership with Jisc and PLOS, have been working with a multi-stakeholder working group…14.02.2024
Bases de données bibliométriques ouvertes vs bases commerciales : vers une nouvelle ère ?
« Une étude demandée par la cOAlition S concernant l’impact du plan S sur la…26.01.2024
Are open bibliometric data sources better than proprietary ones?
« With the advancement of open science, the reliability of open bibliometric data providers compared with proprietary providers is becoming a…18.01.2024
Journal Comparison Service: analysis of the 2022 data
« The Journal Comparison Service has been developed by cOAlition S to shed light on publishing fees and…05.12.2023
Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S
« (…) In our draft proposal, we propose a vision and a set of principles that a future scholarly communication system…14.11.2023
La cOAlition S propose un nouveau système de communication scientifique responsable : donnez votre avis sur cette proposition
« Forte de ses 5 ans d’expérience sur le plan S, la cOAlition S considère qu’il est temps…10.11.2023
cOAlition S’s « Towards Responsible Publishing » proposal: Early feedback survey
« The purpose of this survey is to capture early feedback from the scholarly community on cOAlition S’s « Towards Responsible Publishing »…09.11.2023
5 Years of Plan S (vidéo)
« To mark the 5th anniversary of Plan S, cOAlition S hosted a webinar on Thursday, 2nd November 2023 (…) The…31.10.2023
Open-access reformers launch next bold publishing plan
« The group behind the radical open-access initiative Plan S has announced its next big plan to shake up research publishing…31.10.2023
Introducing the “Towards Responsible Publishing” proposal from cOAlition S
« In this blog post, Bodo Stern, Chief of Strategic Initiatives at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Johan Rooryck, Executive…18.10.2023
American Chemical Society (ACS) and authors’ rights retention
« In this post I shall describe how the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) new zero embargo policy perpetuates…06.10.2023
A study to assess the impact of Plan S on the global scholarly communication ecosystem: tender results
« cOAlition S is pleased to announce that the tender process for a study to assess the impact…05.09.2023
Five years of Plan S: a journey towards full and immediate Open Access
« In September 2018, a group of national research funding organizations, with the support of the European Commission, rallied behind an…05.09.2023
5 Years of Plan S: webinar | Thursday, 2nd November 2023
« (…) The webinar will bring together funders, researchers, and experts from the scholarly communication field to discuss how Plan S…28.08.2023
Accelerating open access: cOAlition S takes bold action to propel change
« KEY TAKEAWAYS – cOAlition S plans to drop 1,589 titles from its transformative journal programme due to insufficient progress…25.08.2023
Introducing the Hybrid Open Access Dashboard (HOAD)
« We are pleased to introduce the Hybrid Open Access Dashboard (HOAD), an openly available data analytics…28.06.2023
Moving away from APCs: a multi-stakeholder working group convened by cOAlition S, Jisc and PLOS
« cOAlition S, in partnership with Jisc and PLOS,…21.06.2023
Transformative Journals: analysis from the 2022 reports
« The Transformative Journal (TJ) model was one of the strategies cOAlition S developed to help subscription publishers transition to full…08.06.2023
Stratégie de non-cession des droits, Udice encourage ses communautés de recherche à ne pas céder l’exclusivité de leurs droits
« Attachée à une édition scientifique de qualité, respectueuse de la liberté académique et du libre accès aux publications, Udice se…23.05.2023
Advancing a publicly owned and not-for-profit scholarly communication ecosystem based on the principles of open science (.pdf)
« Joint response by the European University Association (EUA), Science Europe, Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER), European Federation of Academies…16.03.2023
cOAlition S supports efforts to improve copyright framework for research
« Copyright retention has been at the core of Plan S since its inception. Its first principle is that authors or…02.03.2023
Plan S: Annual Review 2022
« At cOAlition S, we are committed to accelerating the transition to open access. As an international consortium of research funding…30.01.2023
cOAlition S confirms the end of its financial support for Open Access publishing under transformative arrangements after 2024
« Transformative arrangements – including Transformative Agreements and Transformative Journals – were…13.12.2022
Opening doors to global equity in open access
Recommendations to foster global equity in open access publishing from the first in a series of online workshops. Universal Open…16.11.2022
More than 2000 journals share price and service data through Plan S’s Journal Comparison Service
« cOAlition S is pleased to report that 27 publishers – who publish more than 2000 journals – have embraced the…02.11.2022
Parlons Sciences ouverte Hors-série (Assemblée des partenaires HAL 2022) : Le Plan S et la cOAlition S : vers un accès ouvert sans exception | Johan Rooryck
« Johan Rooryck, directeur exécutif de la cOAlition S, est intervenu lors de la 2e session plénière de l’Assemblée des partenaires…28.09.2022
Plan S Journal Comparison Service: open for libraries and library consortia to register and access price and service data
« cOAlition S releases today the end-user portal of the Journal Comparison Service (JCS). This secure, free, online…16.08.2022
cOAlition S: Monkeypox and open access: time to change the narrative
For the fourth time in less than seven years, the community of science and technology leaders have issued a statement…28.07.2022
Exclusive licence to publish – now here’s a thing
« Imagine this scenario. You’ve written an article and want to make it Open Access (OA). To do this, you submit…22.06.2022
Transformative Journals: analysis of Year 1 (2021)
« The Transformative Journal (TJ) model is one of the strategies cOAlition S endorses to help subscription publishers transition to full…09.06.2022
Rights retention policies for authors [webinar & slides]
Learn more the rights retention policies that enable authors to exercise the rights they automatically own « (…) organized by EIFL…01.06.2022
Le FNS rejoint la cOAlition S pour le libre accès immédiat aux articles scientifiques
« Un consortium d’organismes de financement de la recherche s’engage depuis 2018 pour un accès gratuit et illimité aux publications scientifiques.25.05.2022
Plan S Journal Comparison Service: open for publishers to register and deposit price and service data
« cOAlition S is excited to release today the Journal Comparison Service (JCS), a secure, free and long-anticipated…10.05.2022
cOAlition S invites the research community to complete the Plan S impact survey
« cOAlition S is monitoring developments in the Open Science landscape and is seeking feedback from the research community about their…08.04.2022
cOAlition S: Open Access benefits everyone. Retain your rights. It’s good for you, for science, and for society
« The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) enables authors to exercise the rights they have on their manuscripts to…05.04.2022
cOAlition S and ALPSP publish toolkit to foster Open Access agreements
« Smaller independent publishers, libraries, and consortia can now more easily enter into Open Access agreements thanks to a set of…02.03.2022
Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
« Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency (ANR) present an Action Plan for Diamond Open Access…01.03.2022
Enabling Open Access through clarity and transparency: a request to publishers
« cOAlition S is delighted to see many publishers making moves to increase Open Access (OA) for research publications. However, some…16.02.2022
OA Leaders on Advancing the BOAI: Interview with Dr. Johan Rooryck
In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), Scholastica reached out to OA leaders to…08.02.2022
Funder groups announce push to strengthen ‘diamond’ open access
« Two associations of major, mainly European research funders have announced an initiative to provide worldwide support for the ‘diamond’ open-access…24.01.2022
Workshop on Diamond Open Access, 2 February 2022
THE PROGRAMME « ‘Diamond’ Open Access refers to Open Access journals and platforms that are free to both…21.01.2022
cOAlition S: PLAN S 2021 Annual Review (.pdf)
« Plan S is an initiative for Open Access (OA) publishing, which requires that from 2021 scientific publications that result from…14.10.2021
Journal Checker Tool update: we listen and learn from you
« We value feedback from researchers, institutions, funders, and publishers and based on it we always seek to improve the…12.10.2021
Comment savoir si un journal respecte les principes du Plan S ?
‘Vous ne savez pas trop si en publiant dans tel journal vous respecterez le Plan S, les…03.09.2021
cOAlition S statement on Open Access for academic books
« Academic books – defined here to include monographs, book chapters, edited collections, critical editions, and other long-form works – are…17.08.2021
Transformative Journals: an initial assessment
« cOAlition S endorses several strategies to encourage subscription publishers to transition to full and immediate Open Access (OA). These approaches…09.08.2021
Principles and standards for OA arrangements between libraries, consortia and smaller independent publishers
« On behalf of cOAlition S and ALPSP, we are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to work…06.08.2021
cOAlition S welcomes the Plan S-aligned Open Access policy from UKRI
« cOAlition S – an international consortium of research funding and performing organisations committed to implementing Plan S – warmly welcomes…21.07.2021
Plan d’action 2022 de l’Agence nationale de la recherche : Évolutions et nouvelle feuille de route pour l’année à venir
« Le Plan d’action 2022 de l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) s’inscrit dans le cadre de la Loi de programmation…09.06.2021
cOAlition S expands its global footprint as the Québec Research Funds adopt Plan S
« cOAlition S is excited to welcome on board the Québec Research Funds (QRF) as the latest organisation…25.05.2021
cOAlition S calls researchers to complete Plan S impact survey
« cOAlition S is monitoring developments in the Open Science landscape and is seeking feedback from the research community about their…19.05.2021
Science ouverte : l’ANR prépare la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie de Non-Cession des Droits initiée par la cOAlition S, webinaire d’information, mai 2021 (.pdf)
« 1. La politique science ouverte à l’ANR a. Contexte b. Les grands principes 2. Volet publications…10.05.2021
JISC webinar on “ Plan S Rights Retention Strategy – myth busting online event” – 5th May 2021
« The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) is a key component of cOAlition S’s Plan S – it is based on a…30.04.2021
Why hybrid journals do not lead to full and immediate Open Access
« In this brief note, we formulate 6 arguments that articulate why cOAlition S Organisations will not financially support the hybrid…28.04.2021
cOAlition S endorses the Subscribe to Open (S2O) model of funding open access
« Using existing budget and subscription processes without imposing paywalls, S2O provides a rapid route to open access that is applicable…26.04.2021