
Transformative Journals: an initial assessment
« cOAlition S endorses several strategies to encourage subscription publishers to transition to full and immediate Open Access (OA). These approaches are referred to as “Transformative Arrangements” and include Transformative Agreements, Transformative Model Agreements and Transformative Journals.
A Transformative Journal (TJ) is a subscription/hybrid journal that is actively committed to transitioning to a fully Open Access journal. In addition, a TJ must:
- gradually increase the share of Open Access content; and
- offset subscription income from payments for publishing services (to avoid double payments).
Some 16 months on from publishing the formal TJ criteria, 13 publishers – large and small, for-profit, not-for-profit, society publishers and university presses – and some 2268 journals, have enrolled in this programme.
This blog provides a summary of the uptake of the programme by publishers and an analysis of the initial data TJ publishers have provided. (…) »
source > coalition-s.org, 16 août 2021