
What you told us – responses to our consultation on SCOSS’s future
« The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) is now four years old. We are delighted that we have been able to support eight extraordinary organisations that provide Open Science Infrastructure in that time. As we grow into the next phase of our development, we have sought to learn more about how people perceive us and the work we do, and where our priorities should lie as we develop a new SCOSS strategy.
We conducted a consultation to understand awareness and perceptions of Open Science Infrastructure in the sector, and the role SCOSS plays in providing support.
As part of this consultation, we undertook a survey which attracted over 200 responses. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who took the time to respond to the survey, and are delighted to share some of the results.
Who responded?
The highest number of respondents (45%) represented organizations based in Europe, with France providing the most respondents while multiple other European nations were represented by a few respondents. North America provided the next highest number (24%), with Canada providing the majority of these. (…) »
source > scoss.org , 29 septembre 2021