UKRI: ARCHER2 high performance computing
« UKRI’s latest investment, ARCHER2, which became operational in 2021, is the UK’s most powerful supercomputer yet – putting world-leading capabilities in the hands of UK-based scientists. (…)
ARCHER2 is a 23-cabinet HPE Cray EX supercomputing system with an estimated peak performance of 28 PFLOP/s. The machine has 5,860 compute nodes, each with dual AMD EPYC Zen2 (Rome) 64 core CPUs at 2.2GHz, giving 748,544 cores in total.
The new resource is housed at EPCC, the University of Edinburgh’s Advanced Computing Facility. The project is being delivered and supported by UKRI’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), with a combined investment of £79 million. (…) »
source > ukri.org, 6 janvier 2022