
Support Europe’s bold vision for responsible research assessment
There have been many initiatives to combat the distorting effect of research assessment exercises. The latest looks like it might work (…)
The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, announced on 20 July and open for signatures on 28 September, is perhaps the most hopeful sign yet of real change. More than 350 organizations have pooled experience, ideas and evidence to come up with a model agreement to create more-inclusive assessment systems. The initiative, four years in the making, is the work of the European University Association and Science Europe (a network of the continent’s science funders and academies), in concert with predecessor initiatives. It has the blessing of the European Commission, but with an ambition to become global. (…) »
source > nature.com , Nature 607, 636 (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-02037-8