
Report: Networking the Networks – Opening OPERAS-GER
« The first national node event of OPERAS took place on 26 April 2021, with the aim to present the OPERAS services and make OPERAS(-GER) more widely known in Germany. The event was jointly held by OPERAS-P (Horizon 2020) and OPERAS-GER (funded by BMBF) and targeted academic publishers, libraries, research institutions and researchers from Germany as well as all those interested in Open Access and Open Science.
What is a National Node and why are Links between National and International Research Infrastructures so Important?
The event was opened with a greeting by the BMBF, in which the importance of interlinking national and international networks was stressed. This is also why the BMBF supports the project OPERAS-GER.
In an interactive session, the participants could next get to know OPERAS as the European research infrastructure for the social sciences and humanities, understand its approaches and goals and thus gain an insight into what OPERAS is. OPERAS-GER was presented as the first national node. The session was led by OPERAS-GER project lead Marlen Töpfer (the presentation is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4730154 ).
Dr. Suzanne Dumouchel (EOSC Director and OPERAS Coordinator) and Dr. Jan Brase (Head of Department at SUB Göttingen) discussed different approaches and considerations on interlinking national and international research infrastructures as part of the panel discussion „The interlinking of national and international approaches“. Dr. Jan Brase stressed the significance of cooperation by highlighting the necessity to respect disciplinary differences and simultaneous inspiration that is gained through multidisciplinary approaches. The approach of connecting national communities to the European level through national nodes was presented by Dr. Suzanne Dumouchel. One aspect of the discussion revolved around the question of what makes a „researcher“ and their local connections, that remain despite international interconnectivity, was emphasized as a central aspect. (the presentation is available at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4727122). (…) »
source > operas-ger.hypotheses.org, Larissa Saar, 4 mai 2021