Principles of data governance for research organizations – INRAE’s approach
« INRA and IRSTEA, 2 French research organizations, have joined together to become INRAE, a world class institute for research on agriculture, food, and environment, mainly funded by public resources. INRAE has recently set out its principles of « data governance », to cover all the processes required to manage and enhance data sharing on the basis of ethics, legal, economic, technical, and scientific policy criteria. Roles and responsibilities of the actors are defined to ensure a smooth and sustainable decisional process. A « data governance » charter has been written to indicate who decides, which data, and how they are opened according to good practices such as the FAIR principles. With this document all scientists, administrative support, and data managers involved in the data life cycle have a shared understanding of the rationale guiding the global data framework. We address here the question of « what can be a data governance framework at an institutional level to support both data management, sharing, and reuse. (…) »