Diffusion des savoirs scientifiques, Enseignement supérieur et recherche, Ressources scientifiques et techniques
PREreview: Help Us Change the « Who », « When », and « How » of Peer Review
« (…) PREreview seeks to diversify peer review by crowdsourcing preprint feedback to improve the quality of published scientific output, and to train early-career researchers in how to constructively review other scientists’ work.
Together, we want to push for a radical change in how researchers engage with scholarly output, when they do it, and who is invited to participate.
We believe researchers should be trained in providing and receiving constructive feedback, and given the chance to be rewarded for their contribution to the improvement of scientific reports.
Who are we?
PREreview is a grassroots initiative founded in 2017 to encourage more researchers to discuss preprints at journal clubs and share the feedback openly.
The project is fiscally sponsored by the non-profit organization Code for Science & Society, and is co-led by three women scientists, Samantha Hindle, Monica Granados, and Daniela Saderi (…) »
source > blog.prereview.org, 30 juillet 2019