
OASPA: Guest Post – The Open Access Books Network: Voices from the OA books community
« The Open Access Books Network (OABN), begun by OAPEN, OPERAS, ScholarLed and SPARC Europe, is an open online community devoted to sharing knowledge and resources about all aspects of open access books.
Founded in September 2020, it is open to everyone interested in open access books. In recent months we have organised events, published blog posts and had lively discussions with members of the OA books community, as well as developing a crowd-sourced OA books calendar and a repository of publications related to OA books. We have an online group on Humanities Commons, a Twitter account, a YouTube channel and a Slack channel, all focused on OA books. (…) »
source > oaspa.org, Lucy Barnes, Tom Mosterd, Agata Morka, 29 mars 2021