
Join the 1st TRIPLE ThatCamp on 11 May 2021 – 9:30 – 5:00 pm (CEST) (online)
« The TRIPLE project develops the future discovery service of OPERAS: the GOTRIPLE platform.
At TRIPLE’s first ThatCamp, we’ll delve together into the depths of “discovering” and “getting discovered” in the research world. We’ll brainstorm together, identify roadblocks, raise concerns and dream up solutions on a peer-to-peer level.
We invite all those interested in the field of Open Science, especially researchers, librarians and Open Science experts in research institutions, representatives of Open Access repositories and publishers who have an interest in discovery platforms. The focus of the event will be on a social sciences and humanities (SSH) perspective, but people with a background in other fields are also welcome to join to make it a truly interdisciplinary event. (…) »
source > operas.hypotheses.org, Stefanie Pohle, 15 avril 2021