
Japan National Diet Library Image Bank
« The NDL Image Bank showcases items from the National Diet Library’s substantial collection of visual materials, including ukiyo-e woodblock prints, books, magazines, and other forms of published media (…) »
« About images on this site
All the images in the NDL Image Bank are taken from digitized, public-domain content held by the NDL and can also be accessed via the NDL Digital Collections.
Reproduction of the contents
All the images on this website can be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes, without asking permission. We, however, kindly ask you cite our website when reproducing them.
(Examples of source citation)
NDL Image Bank (https://rnavi.ndl.go.jp/imagebank/)
For more information, please refer to Terms of Use of the National Diet Library Digital Exhibitions. »
source > rnavi.ndl.go.jp, 2023