Diffusion des savoirs scientifiques, Enseignement supérieur et recherche, Lire/Regarder/Ecouter

EUA: Scholarly publishing webinar #3 – Quo vadis, transformative agreements?
« This third webinar of the series « Universities and the future of scholarly publishing » looked into the ins and outs of the different types of transformative agreements with large and small publishers. It also explored their potential to flip scholarly publishing to Open Access. The scholarly publishing sector is experiencing a transition to new forms of business models, with traditional subscription big deals being increasingly replaced with so-called transformative agreements. This is accompanied by a push through policies such as Plan S. Building on the results of the study on future scenarios for scholarly publishing, this EUA webinar took stock of these changes. It focused on the risks and opportunities as the sector moves towards a combination of publishing and subscription agreements. In detail, participants discussed the fields of diversity and competition, affordability, as well as the sustainable operation of smaller publishers. Particular attention was paid to the implications for universities and consortia and how they can navigate the transition. (…) »
source > youtube.com/, EUA, 9 juin 2021