
COAR releases resource types vocabulary version 3.0 for repositories with new look and feel
« We are pleased to announce the release of version 3.0 of the resource types vocabulary. Since 2015, three COAR Controlled Vocabularies have been developed and are maintained by the Controlled Vocabulary Editorial Board: Resource types, access rights and version types. These vocabularies have a new look and are now being managed using the iQvoc platform, hosted by the University of Vienna Library.
Using controlled vocabularies enables repositories to be consistent in describing their resources, helps with search and discovery of content, and allows machine readability for interoperability. The COAR vocabularies are available in several languages, supporting multilingualism across repositories. They also play a key role in making semantic artifacts and repositories compliant with the FAIR Principles, in particular when it comes to findability and interoperability.
Version 3.0 introduces major changes in terms of additional concepts to the vocabulary. In total, 30 new concepts have been introduced in this release. (…) »