
CCC Launches OA Agreement Intelligence
« CCC, a leading provider of Open Access (OA) workflow solutions, has launched OA Agreement Intelligence, the only agreement modeling solution that enables publishers to prepare, build, and analyze their OA data so that they can create and communicate sustainable and transparent agreements with their partners. The solution combines sophisticated data preprocessing with easy-to-use analysis and export capabilities.
“Constructing data-driven publishing agreements at scale impacts all stakeholders in the OA environment,” said Frank Pepe, Director, Pricing & Strategic Analysis, IEEE. “OA Agreement Intelligence transforms the agreement modeling process by supporting better visibility and communications to facilitate collaboration with our partners.”
Transparent, flexible, and technology-based solutions are more important than ever, particularly in light of the recent White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) guidance to accelerate the availability of articles resulting from federally funded research. (…) »
source > copyright.com, 13 septembre 2022