
SPARC Europe Webinar: “Equity and Diversity In Open Access. National and Regional OA Publishing Platforms”
« On February the 4th and 5th, 2022, the Paris Open Science Conference (OSEC) took place in the context of the French Presidency of the European Union. On day one of the conference, an entire session was organised on the ‘future of academic publishing’. In this session, many speakers raised awareness for the need for diamond open access (i.e., free-to-read, free-to-publish) publishing models and infrastructure.
Two months earlier, on December the 2nd, 2021, together with SPARC Europe, I co-organized a webinar that showcased a handful of some of Europe’s well-organised regional and national open access publishing, in all cases diamond platforms, namely: Raco from Catalonia, Spain, Hrçak from Croatia, Journal.fi from Finland, OpenEditions.org from France and Openjournals.nl from the Netherlands. Over 90 participants attended the meeting and heard from the project leads about why the platforms had been founded and how. A panel discussion touched upon some of the opportunities and challenges the platforms have encountered in the process of setting themselves up. The webinar’s goal was to showcase different ways of approaching setting up and running open access publishing platforms and exchange good practices in the European context. (…) »