Research Data Alliance Launch and First Plenary Du 18 au 20 mars 2013 – Göteborg, Suède
« Open Access Research Data without Barriers
As “big data” emerges as an international priority, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a newly formed organization whose goal is to accelerate data-driven innovation world-wide through research data sharing and exchange.
At its first Plenary, the RDA will be launched by sponsors from the European Commission, the U. S. Government and the Australian Government and leaders in the data community. The Plenary will be a working meeting to accelerate discussion, Working and Interest Group interaction, and data community development.
Research Data Community Gathering and Working Meeting
Join us for 3 days of outstanding speakers, working sessions, active contributions, and the launch of the Research Data Alliance. We invite you to participate in the RDA and join international colleagues working to increase the data sharing and exchange needed to drive global innovation and success.
Le programme«
source > donneesdelarecherche.fr, Thérèse Hameau (INIST-CNRS)