
RDA’s 20th Plenary: Call for Sessions is now Open!
« The Research Data Alliance will celebrate their 10th anniversary plenary meeting on 21-23 March 2023 in Sweden. Following on from the success of the 19th Plenary meeting held in a hybrid format for the first time, P20 will take place in the Swedish second-largest city – Gothenburg.
Hosted by Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish National Data Service (SND), a three-day hybrid conference will once again bring together researchers, data scientists, policymakers, and data stewards from disciplines from all over the world to share new ideas and explore best practices in using data. The Plenary will include all the main elements of our typical plenary event (breakout sessions, plenary sessions, networking events, and many more).
We are excited to announce that the Call for the 20th Plenary Sessions proposals is now open. We invite you to submit your proposal and share the RDA’s decade of data celebration next year. The closing date for submissions is Monday, 31 October 2022. (…) »
source > rd-alliance.org, 3 août 2022