New Data and Code for Customised Research Evaluation

« There are continuing calls to adapt or even redesign research evaluation. These calls are based on goals that are part of the transitions towards open science and fairer recognition and rewards. While most calls for changes in research evaluation critique the application of crude metrics, they still see a role for (quantitative and qualitative) evidence to inform and balance narratives used in assessment. This poster matches ongoing changes at the supply side of data (sharing platforms, registries, aggregators, service providers) with specific tenets on the demand side (open science practices, bibliodiversity, inclusivity, team science, formative assessment, academic governance and more). It includes promising examples of open source and collaborative code already available or under development and suggests next steps for the research intelligence community in facilitating this development towards supporting customized research evaluations.. (…) »

source >, Bosman, J., & Kramer, K. (2024). New Data and Code for Customised Research Evaluation. 28th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI2024), Berlin. Zenodo.
