The value of ORCID iDs in enabling digital identity on a global scale: Report from the OECD

« The new Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report, Charting the Digital Transformation of Science, explores key factors in the digitalization of research. Findings are based on the  International Survey of Scientific Authors (ISSA), a 2018 survey of nearly 12,000 authors working in a variety of disciplines in 60 countries. (…) The OECD survey found the global-born ORCID iD to be the most widely used identification mechanism for researchers to assert online identity, eclipsing national identifiers and publisher author identifiers. In the Higher Education and Government sectors, ORCID has become a de facto standard. OECD reports that over 60% of researchers in each field reported using their ORCID iD as a digital identity in their research (…) »

source >, Laure Haak, 22 avril 2020
