Mot-clé : doaj-directory-of-open-access-journals
Webinaire Mir@bel |Référencement dans le DOAJ
« Organisé dans le cadre du projet Mir@bel2022 (projet financé par le Fonds national pour la science ouverte)…07.11.2024
The value of open metadata: how DOAJ supports and is supported by the community
« As an adopter of the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure and a supporter of…15.10.2024
Réseau Mir@bel | Webinaire public sur le référencement dans le DOAJ – 21 novembre 2024
« Programmé le jeudi 21 novembre 2024 de 10h à 11h30 (heure de Paris), ce webinaire s’adresse aux éditeurs et éditrices…03.05.2024
Traduction française de la documentation du DOAJ
« Soutenue par Mir@bel et Érudit, la traduction en français de la documentation pour l’adhésion au DOAJ contribuera à la valorisation…18.04.2024
DOAJ’s community consultation. Tell us what you think!
(…) We’re contacting our user communities to learn what you think about our journal metadata, our policy of which journals…05.01.2024
Open Science Practice in Western Balkan Countries
« This comprehensive review explores the landscape of open science in the Western Balkan Countries (WBCs), offering insights into existing policies,…08.12.2023
JASPER: a cross-industry collaboration making a real difference!
« Two years ago, DOAJ announced it would take proactive steps to prevent open access journals from disappearing…03.11.2023
DOAJ | New criteria for special issues
« There has been a proliferation of special issues recently. DOAJ is responding to concerns from the community by adding new…20.10.2023
Celebrating 20,000 journals in DOAJ: the value (and cost) of maintaining trust in scholarly publishing
« Today, the DOAJ team is happy to share a significant milestone with our community: the Directory of Open Access Journals…27.06.2023
New Open Access Toolkit to Empower Scholarly Publishers and Researchers
« The Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)…25.04.2023
Missing a golden opportunity? An analysis of publication trends by income level in the Directory of Open Access Journals 1987–2020
« The growing prevalence of the gold open access model can exacerbate the monoculture of research and inequality in knowledge production.13.03.2023
A PLACE for scholarly publishers
« The Publishers Learning And Community Exchange (PLACE) at theplace.discourse.group is a new online public forum created for…10.03.2023
#DOAJ: New filter: author retains all rights
« (…) Open access journals that don’t charge fees and where the author retains all rights. These are the kinds of…28.02.2023
Mir@bel2022 | Référencer sa revue dans le DOAJ
« Dans le cadre du projet Mir@bel2022, un recensement des ressources disponibles en français a été réalisé pour…27.02.2023
How open access diamond journals comply with industry standards exemplified by Plan S technical requirements (.pdf)
« This study investigated how well current open access (OA) diamond journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and…17.02.2023
Project JASPER: a progress report
« The initiative was launched by DOAJ, CLOCKSS, Internet Archive, ISSN International Centre (Keepers Registry) and Public Knowledge Project to address…14.02.2023
OASPA and DOAJ Announce the Launch of an Open Access Journals Toolkit
« The Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (…03.01.2023
A Short Introduction to DOAJ [podcast]
« The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) was founded by Lars Bjørnshauge in 2003; the current managing…22.11.2022
Directory of open access journals (DOAJ) and its application in academic libraries
« The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a community-curated online directory that indexes and makes open access, peer-reviewed journals…20.10.2022
New Partnership between DOAJ and OpenAIRE will make research more accessible
« DOAJ and OpenAIRE are pleased to announce a new partnership which will promote collaboration and discovery between the two parties,…06.10.2022
DOAJ commits to the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI)
« (…) I am pleased to share the news that we are committing to the Principles of…16.09.2022
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
« The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the…15.09.2022
DOAJ: Revised principles of transparency and best practice released
« Revised Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing have been released by four key scholarly…19.08.2022
DOAJ becomes a member of OPERAS
« DOAJ is pleased to announce that it has become a member of OPERAS, the Research Infrastructure supporting…20.12.2021
Open access scientific journals: an analysis of the DOAJ catalogue
« (…) By requiring open access immediately available upon publication, the DOAJ emerges as an essential voice in discussions of modalities…30.09.2021
JASPER – preserving open access journals forever
« Long-term preservation of research resources is of paramount importance for scholarship. Authors want to ensure their contributions to the scholarly…23.06.2021
DOAJ and Crossref sign agreement to remove barriers to scholarly publishing for all
« The future of global open access publishing received a boost today with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between…30.03.2021
What happens when a journal converts to Open Access? A bibliometric analysis
« In recent years, increased stakeholder pressure to transition research to Open Access has led to many journals converting, or ‘flipping’,…09.03.2021
Association of Southeastern Research Libraries and Directory of Open Access Journals forge new partnership
« The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is excited to announce a new partnership with the Association of Southeastern Research…16.02.2021
The Big Ten Academic Alliance Announces Collective Action Agreement with DOAJ
« The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)…15.02.2021
DOAJ : Strategy 2021 to 2022
« Our mission Our mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access…06.11.2020
DOAJ prend la tête d’une initiative visant à améliorer la conservation des revues en accès ouvert (.pdf)
« DOAJ, CLOCKSS Archive, Internet Archive,…14.10.2020
SCOSS meets major milestons: DOAJ reaches funding goal
« SCOSS has met a major milestone. The Directory of Open Access Journals, one of two Open infrastructure services recommended during…16.09.2020
Directory of Open Access Journals in Keywords. Distribution and Themes of Articles
« Researchers depend on consultation with previous work in their field, most of which is published in scientific journals. The open…07.08.2020
A journal recommender tool built on the Directory of Open Access Journals
« This application suggests open access journals based on their similarity to a draft abstract submitted by the user. It is…12.06.2020
DOAJ, Redalyc (UAEM), AmeliCA collaboration to strengthen non-commercial Open Access Journals
« Redalyc (Autonomous University of the State of Mexico), AmeliCA and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) are delighted to announce…27.05.2020
A partnership between Érudit and DOAJ: towards greater visibility and discoverability for open access French-language and bilingual scientific journals
« (…) French, an official language in 29 countries around the world, was selected by DOAJ the ideal linguistic candidate to…04.02.2020
Blog DOAJ: Two updates: ORCID integration; updated ISO code lists for country, language and currency
« (…) We are delighted to release this addition to the DOAJ platform. DOAJ recognises the importance of permanent identifiers (PIDs)…22.11.2019
Open access potential and uptake in the context of Plan S – a partial gap analysis
« Today we released the report Open access potential and uptake in the context of Plan S…07.11.2019
Blog DOAJ: We have removed the Seal on more than 40 journals
« DOAJ constantly reviews existing records in DOAJ to ensure that they meet DOAJ criteria, particularly those with the Seal. (…) »18.09.2019
Myth-busting: all open access journals can be listed in DOAJ
« (…) The Directory of Everything open access would be a wonderful thing but of how much use would it be?…22.08.2019
Discovering Open Access Engineering Journals: An Examination of Indexing Rates for DOAJ and Non-DOAJ Content
« This study examines the indexing of open access journals in the engineering disciplines. The sample used in this study was…28.06.2019
Blacklists and Whitelists To Tackle Predatory Publishing: a Cross-Sectional Comparison and Thematic Analysis
« We aimed to develop an in-depth understanding of quality criteria for scholarly journals by analyzing journals and publishers indexed in…28.06.2019
The DOAJ Spring Cleaning 2016 and What Was Removed—Tragic Loss or Good Riddance?
« In December 2012, DOAJ’s (The Directory of Open Access Journals) parent company, IS4OA, announced they would introduce new criteria for…mdpi.com, Jan Erik Frantsvåg, 27 juin 2019, https://doi.org/10.3390/publications7030045
Full DOAJ data dump now available
« (…) Introducing, full data dumps of ALL the metadata in DOAJ, both journals and article (…) »11.02.2019
Quelle place pour les revues en SHS dans le plan S ?
« Jan Erik Frantsvåg et Tormod Strømme, des bibliothécaires norvégiens, ont fait une brève étude de la compatibilité du plan S…26.11.2018
Université de Lorraine, the first French institution to provide sustainable funding based on SCOSS recommendations
« We are very happy to be able to announce Université de Lorraine as the first French institution…27.09.2018
The Long-Term Preservation of Open Access Journals
« The long term preservation of open access journals is one of the 7 criteria…13.09.2018
Learn about DOAJ and Open Access Best Practices [videos]
« The Directory of Open Access Journals is the world’s the most detailed directory of quality, peer-reviewed, open access journals. Being…17.08.2018
Report from the LPC (Library Publishing Coalition) DOAJ Task Force: New resources to support library publishers
« The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a nonprofit online directory that indexes and provides access…08.08.2018
News: OASPA to require DOAJ listing for single-journal publishers
« DOAJ and OASPA have worked together for many years now, with our Founder and Managing Director, Lars…28.06.2018
Tom Olijhoek. « Mission DOAJ, Promouvoir l’accès ouvert à travers le monde » [diaporama]
« Intervention de Tom Olijhoeck (éditeur en chef, Directory of Open Acess Journals – DOAJ) dans le cadre…07.03.2018
DOAJ’s Mission (updated March 2018)
« DOAJ has just updated its mission to take into account our new Education and Outreach program. (…) »02.03.2018
DOAJ: Copyright and Licensing – Part 3
« In 2016, we published 2 blog posts on copyright and licensing: Part1 and Part…01.02.2018
DOAJ launches the DOAJ Best Practice Guide
« DOAJ has launched the DOAJ Best Practice Guide. The Guide is a web resource that provides selection criteria,…29.01.2018
Enago Launches Open Access Journal Finder (OAJF) – Improving Accessibility of Authentic Open Access Journals
« Enago, the leader in editing and publication support services, today announced the worldwide release of Open Access…14.12.2017
DOAJ: Total financial support from libraries and library consortia in 2017, broken down by country
« As we near the end of the year, it’s time to review our finances and start the annual process of…10.11.2017
New international coalition takes crowd-funding style approach to secure the future of open science
« In an effort to strengthen and secure the network of non-commercial services that underpin the burgeoning field of Open Science,…20.10.2017
DOAJ and SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE SERVICES partner to achieve broader support for Open Access to scientific literature
« The new agreement underpins the Directory of Open Access Journals in its work to reach new members and generate more…05.07.2017
Couperin to Support DOAJ as a Consortium
« (…) Couperin, the French national academic consortium, has agreed to support DOAJ. Currently 47 of the Couperin…02.02.2017
Challenges of the Latin American open access publishing model
« A current search in the DOAJ database reveals that there are 916 journals from Latin America and the Caribbean that…23.09.2016
Directory of Open Access Journals: A bibliometric study of library and information science
« This paper presents a bibliometric study of library-focused journals represented in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). A total…digitalcommons.du.edu, Thavamani, Kotti, Collaborative Librarianship: Vol. 5: Iss. 4, Article 5