University Library Technical University of Munich: Copyright Information

« The German Copyright in the Information Society Amending Law (Urheberrechts-Wissensgesellschafts-Gesetz – UrhWissG) comes into force on 1 March 2018 and reformulates, among other things, the provisions on the use of protected works for education and research (so-called limitations on copyright). The amending law creates new regulations for users from education, science and research and adapts the Copyright Law (UrhG) to reflect the digital age.

A new subchapter (sections 60a-60h UrhG)  has been introduced and each of these sections is addressed to a specific group – e. g. students and lecturers at universities, researchers, libraries, archives – and is intended to determine in language as simple and clear as possible the future permitted use of protected works in teaching, science and institutions. In the newly created section 60d UrhG, so-called text and data mining, the algorithm-based analysis of data and information, is taken into account for the first time. (…) »

source >, 2018
