Mot-clé : Allemagne
Now Diamond Open Access: the CSMC’s journal manuscript cultures
« The open access journal manuscript cultures is a freely available scholarly journal dedicated to the study of written artefacts world-wide.13.08.2024
open-access.network publishes handout on information budgets and alternative funding models for Diamond Open Access
« Against the background that universities and research institutions are required to develop integrated information budgets, the BMBF-funded…12.04.2024
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research | key points paper on BMBF Research Data Act
« Better data protection, easier access and better retrievability of data for research: the requirements for the new…28.02.2024
How transformative are transformative agreements? Evidence from Germany across disciplines
« Research institutions across the globe attempt to change the academic publishing system as digitization opens up new opportunities, and subscriptions…14.12.2023
DFG supports the broad positioning of the planned Forum.EU and the federal government’s commitment to a research-friendly regulatory framework at EU level
« The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) welcomes the adoption of the “National Action Plan for the European Research Area”…28.11.2023
[DFG: Forschungszentrum Jülich] Monitoring report: open access publications funding programme
« Forschungszentrum Jülich presents monitoring report on the German Research Foundation’s OA funding programme for the funding year 2022. (…) »…10.08.2023
[Alliance des organisations scientifiques allemandes] Recommandations pour des ententes de transformation avec les prestataires de services de publication
« Directives de l’initiative prioritaire « Information numérique » de l’Alliance des organisations scientifiques allemandes dans le contexte de la mise…26.07.2023
16th Berlin Open Access Conference: Conference Report
« National-level delegations representing research communities from 38 countries across six continents, including scientists and scholars, ministries of education and research,…03.07.2023
Mapping the German Diamond Open Access Journal Landscape
« In the current scientific and political discourse surrounding the transformation of the scientific publication system, significant attention is focused on…07.06.2023
Open Access in Germany – Joint Guidelines of the Federal Government and the Länder
« The Joint Guidelines of the Federal Government and the Länder on Open Access are an expression of the joint political…05.06.2023
« Status and Perspectives of an Open Access Strategy for Germany – Open4DE ».
« This Landscape Report presents results from the BMBF-funded joint project « Status and Perspectives of an Open Access Strategy for Germany…25.05.2023
Statement of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) on European Council Conclusions on “High-quality, transparent, open, trustworthy and equitable scholarly publishing” (.pdf)
« On 23 May 2023, the Council of the European Union adopted Council Conclusions on “High quality, transparent, open, trustworthy and…24.05.2023
Helmholtz Open Science Forum “Scholar-led-Publishing in Helmholtz”. 13 April 2023
« On April 13, 2023, the Helmholtz Open Science Office, together with the joint Task Group “Open Access Transformation” of the…14.03.2023
Symposium: Reforming Research Assessment – how to implement responsible procedures and move beyond impact factors and h-index? – 13 March 2023, Munich (slides)
« “The use of journal impact factors and other metric indicators of research productivity, such as the h-index, has been heavily…15.02.2023
Workshop on PIDs within NFDI
« In order to gain an overview of the current state of the discussion on PIDs and for the identification of…11.01.2023
open-access.network: Three more years for the open access transformation
« The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the Germany-wide collaborative project open-access.network for another three years…07.12.2022
Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Recommendations for Transformative Journal Agreements with Providers of Publishing Services
« With its internal Open Access Strategy 2021–2025, the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany provides a framework to further shape…16.11.2022
National Research Data Infrastructure: DFG welcomes funding decisions in third selection round
« On 4 November, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) passed the decision to fund seven more consortia and one initiative to…21.10.2022
Panel discussion – Responsible evaluation of research and scholarship – 11 october 2022, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (vidéo)
« ‘The current system for assessing research, researchers and research institutions does not incentivise or reward enough the quality of all…20.10.2022
Open Science as Part of Research Culture. Positioning of the German Research Foundation
« The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) considers open science as scientific practices and processes that are established or designed…10.10.2022
DFG | Funding Atlas 2021 | Key Indicators for Publicly Funded Research in Germany
« The presidents of the DFG and the German Rectors’ Conference explain why the analyses and conclusions in the Funding Atlas…05.10.2022
Wissenschaftsrat welcomes initiative to form a Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)
« The German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat) welcomes the initiative to form a Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). While…20.09.2022
B!SON: A Tool for Open Access Journal Recommendation
« Finding a suitable open access journal to publish scientific work is a complex task: Researchers have to navigate a constantly…15.09.2022
Research Data Management as a prerequisite for Open Research Data at Helmholtz, Workshop Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (.pdf)
(…) The Helmholtz Association is leading in generating, managing and providing access to research data. •…18.08.2022
TIB endorses Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
« TIB endorses the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access initiated by several European organizations. In doing so,…07.06.2022
How open are hybrid journals included in nationwide transformative agreements in Germany?
« We present hoaddata, an experimental R package that combines open scholarly data from the German Open Access Monitor, Crossref and…02.06.2022
Diamond Open Access Journals Germany (DOAG)
« Diamond Open Access Journals, Germany’ (DOAG) is a quality controlled list that contains information about diamond open access (OA) journals…18.05.2022
DFG Position Paper on Academic Publishing as a Foundation and Area of Leverage for Research Assessment
« Academic publishing faces a number of challenges that can have a negative impact on science and the humanities. In particular,…30.03.2022
Wissenschaftsrat | German Science and Humanities Council (2022): Recommendations on the Transformation of Academic Publishing: Towards Open Access
« Academic publishing has witnessed major changes in the context of digitalisation. Driven by the academic community, the changeover to open…28.03.2022
DFG Supports “Action Plan for Diamond Open Access”
« On 17 March 2022 the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) signed an action plan to promote science-driven open access…23.02.2022
Central policy documents on Open Research Data and Open Research Software of the Helmholtz Association are now available in English
« Open Research Data Recommendations for Policies of the Helmholtz Centers on Research…08.02.2022
ZB MED signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment – DORA
« Advocating for improved evaluation of research performance and researchers The outputs from scientific research are many and varied, including:…25.01.2022
Open Access Monitoring – OAM
« The Open Access Monitor .records the publication output of German academic institutions…17.11.2021
Finding the right open-access journal with B!SON
« More and more researchers require their results to be openly available (Kramer and Bosman, 2016). However, it can…09.11.2021
Guidelines for implementing open science at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). Open Science Policy
« The Open Science Policy of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg (FAU) gives FAU members guidance and recommendations for…26.10.2021
Strengthening the internationalisation of German universities at system level: new HRK ADVANCE project launched
« Supporting universities in the further development of their internationalisation is the goal of the new project « HRK ADVANCE – Optimising…25.10.2021
Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses with data from Scopus and Google Books
« This study investigates the potential of citation analysis of Ph.D. theses to obtain valid and useful early career performance indicators…07.10.2021
DFG presents “Funding Atlas 2021”: All the Key Figures on Publicly Financed Research and Funding
« Where in Germany is publicly funded research particularly strong? How much third-party funding goes to which federal states and regions…29.07.2021
Composantes de base du dispositif de gestion des données de recherche en Allemagne – Recommandations et retours d’expérience – numéro spécial [traduit de l’allemand]
« Le gouvernement fédéral et les Länder ont créé l’Association National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V. afin de promouvoir la…29.07.2021
Getting to know NFDI, the German National Research Data Infrastructure, with York Sure-Vetter
« Open Science in Europe is constantly evolving, and each country is working hard to ensure an overall improvement of a…06.07.2021
IIe rencontres franco-allemandes CollEx-Persée_FID, 28, 29 juin 2021 [vidéos]
« Regards croisés sur de nouveaux systèmes documentaires en appui à la recherche – Évaluer la transition, consolider les résultats,…26.05.2021
No Deal: Investigating the Influence of Restricted Access to Elsevier Journals on German Researchers’ Publishing and Citing Behaviours
« In 2014, a union of German research organisations established Projekt DEAL, a national-level project to negotiate licensing agreements with large…18.05.2021
Data tracking in research: aggregation and use or sale of usage data by academic publishers (.pdf)
« This briefing paper issued by the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (AWBI) of the Deutsche…05.05.2021
Report: Networking the Networks – Opening OPERAS-GER
« The first national node event of OPERAS took place on 26 April 2021, with the aim to present the OPERAS…23.04.2021
DFG Publishes Reports on Doctorates in Consortia
« Detailed evaluations of the duration of doctoral programmes as well as completed and uncompleted work in the context of coordinated…24.03.2021
The Impact of the German « DEAL » on Competition in the Academic Publishing Market, March 2021 (.pdf)
« The German DEAL agreements between German universities and research institutions on the one side and Springer Nature and Wiley on…25.02.2021
A joint project of Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and Knowledge Unlatched receives funding from BMBF
« (…) The project develops a sustainable model of publisher-independent, quality-assured OA journals in small, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects. In this…24.02.2021
Implementing FAIR data management within the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) exemplified by selected use cases
« This article describes some use case studies and self-assessments of FAIR status of de.NBI services to illustrate the challenges and…11.02.2021
Le gouvernement allemand veut ouvrir les données publiques
« Le gouvernement allemand veut créer une culture de partage ouvert des données – et donne le bon exemple. La deuxième…02.02.2021
Launch of German Reproducibility Network
« (…) Eight key Open Science actors in Germany founded the German Reproducibility Network. This cross-disciplinary consortium is dedicated to promote…01.02.2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Sets a New Course for Open Access
« Funding of publication costs and targeted support for research-friendly publication infrastructures / Topics and background information on the DFG website…26.01.2021
DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – New website on open access
« The DFG supports open access. Important with respect to DFG funding is the stated benefit of this publishing method in…05.01.2021
zbMATH Open
« Starting 1st January 2021, zbMATH is becoming an open access database. The mathematical community is invited to participate in its…15.12.2020
The 2019/20 Barometer for the Academic World: New Insights for Open Science?
« What is the state of science in Germany these days? The Barometer for the Academic World has been dedicated to…03.12.2020
Max Planck Digital Library: New Information Platform on Research Data Management
« We are very happy to announce that our new Information Platform on Research Data Management has now gone live. You…24.11.2020
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) joins OLH LPS model
« We are very pleased to announce that the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) has joined the Open Library of Humanities’ Library Partnership…13.11.2020
DaMaLOS – 2nd November 2020 – First Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science : Co-located at the International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2020 [papers & slides]
« (…) In this workshop we will explore what is required for Research Data (and other digital objects) Management Plans to…04.11.2020
TIB Blog: Open source infrastructure for the new publishing platform
« After we introduced the strategic and conceptual orientation of our new open-access…02.11.2020
DFG (German Research Foundation): What is the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)? [vidéo]
« The aim of the national research data infrastructure (NFDI) is to systematically manage scientific and research data, provide long-term data…09.10.2020
Making Europe a leader in AI: in conversation with Venki Ramakrishnan, Antoine Petit and Martin Stratmann
« An international interactive online event organised by the Royal Society, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the…07.10.2020
Innovative Open Access in small sciences (InnOAccess)
« Academia – especially internet research – strives on a dynamic and diverse publishing ecosystem within which researchers can read and…11.08.2020