publishes handout on information budgets and alternative funding models for Diamond Open Access

« Against the background that universities and research institutions are required to develop integrated information budgets, the BMBF-funded project 2 has been organising the workshop series Finanzielle Gestaltung der Open-Access-Transformation an Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen (Financial Design of the Open Access Transformation at Universities and Research Institutions) since autumn 2023. The first part of the series deals with the implementation of an information budget. (…) The second part of the series deals with different models of Diamond Open Access publishing and projects that deal with their implementation. In order to make the knowledge repository created during the workshop series accessible to all interested parties, has published a handout with all the important information, best practices and further links on Zenodo. It will be continuously expanded as a living document on the project website. (…) »

source >, 9 août 2024
