Mot-clé : Open Access
Open access in Ukraine: Characteristics and evolution from 2012 to 2021
« This study investigates the development of open access (OA) to publications produced by authors affiliated with Ukrainian universities and research…29.08.2024
Open Access Colors: An Opinionated Guide
« A central academic norm is the idea that knowledge should be free and accessible to all. Yet much of the…28.08.2024
Open Access in Germany
« Although Germany lacks a uniform Open Access (OA) policy, it has a sophisticated OA culture that involves various initiatives centred…22.08.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Call for Proposals – Innovating Scholarly Communication: Navigating the future of APP’s
« As part of its work on Open Science, Knowledge Exchange is exploring how to raise awareness of alternative publishing platforms…19.08.2024
Draft model legislation for Secondary rights, Copyright, Open access, Institutional policies, and Rights retention (SCOIR)
« We are delighted that the NORF-funded SCOIR project has a Draft model legislation to…13.08.2024
open-access.network publishes handout on information budgets and alternative funding models for Diamond Open Access
« Against the background that universities and research institutions are required to develop integrated information budgets, the BMBF-funded…07.08.2024
The Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, a paradigm-shifting open access reference work, officially launches with first articles
« Today the MIT Press announces the release of the first 50 articles in the Open Encyclopedia…05.08.2024
2nd Global Summit on Diamond Open Access | 8 – 14 December 2024, Cape Town, South Africa
« The purpose of the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access is to bring the diamond open access community and potential…29.07.2024
Big Ten Academic Alliance + Next Generation Library Publishing Announce the Launch of a Pilot Project
« The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) is excited to announce a partnership with the Next Generation Library Publishing (NGLP) project.25.07.2024
Estimating global article processing charges paid to six publishers for open access between 2019 and 2023
« This study presents estimates of the global expenditure on article processing charges (APCs) paid to six publishers for open access…24.07.2024
Landscape of no-fee open access publishing in Africa
« This study provides an overview of open access (OA) journals in Africa that do not charge fees for either authors…09.07.2024
OECD data, publications and analysis become freely accessible
« The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has transitioned to open-access information model. The OECD began granting greater…08.07.2024
Canadian Open Access Legal (COAL) | Citation Guide now available
« Over the course of two years, law librarians from across Canada worked together to create the COAL-RJAL Guide. The English…03.07.2024
Achieving Global Open Access
« Stephen Pinfield, RoRI Senior Research Fellow, has published a new book on the need for scientific, epistemic and participatory openness…03.07.2024
« Towards Responsible Publishing »: Findings from a global stakeholder consultation
« Research Consulting and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) were commissioned to…01.07.2024
Annual report on open access in Sweden
« As part of its mandate to coordinate, monitor, and promote collaboration in the work for open access to scholarly publications,…26.06.2024
Swissuniversities et le FNS présentent la stratégie nationale suisse sur l’Open Access actualisée pour un accès libre et immédiat aux publications scientifiques financées par des fonds publics
« La stratégie nationale suisse sur l’Open Access actualisée vise à rendre librement accessible toute publication scientifique financée par des fonds…26.06.2024
Updated Report to the U.S. Congress on Financing Mechanisms for Open Access Publishing of Federally Funded Research
« The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) prepared this report to the Appropriations Committees of the…18.06.2024
DIAMAS project | D5.2 National overviews on sustaining institutional publishing in Europe
« The richness of Diamond Open Access (OA) publishing is characterised by its diversity: from the wide-ranging disciplines it serves in…06.06.2024
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies | New policy component to advance open access to theses
« (…) The new policy has one stated goal: « All theses approved from 2025 onwards will be openly accessible. » This applies…06.06.2024
Effects of Open Access. Literature study on empirical research 2010–2021
« Open access — the free availability of scholarly publications — intuitively offers many benefits. At the same time,…03.06.2024
Open access to scholarly publications is essential, experts agree
« Publishing models designed to shift journals to open access are failing to deliver change or reduce costs. A just and…31.05.2024
Copim’s initial reflections on the REF 2029 open access policy for longform publications
« A collectively authored response by the Copim community, in which we welcome the principle of open access by…21.05.2024
Wikimedia and open research: a primer from UKRN
« The Wikimedia projects, like Wikipedia and Wikidata, are some of the most visited informational websites on the internet, with around…14.05.2024
Special January / April 2024 of Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS)
« The editors of Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) are pleased to announce the publication of…13.05.2024
Open Access Projects in Europe : from a general perspective to monographs and ebooks
« The development of policies in favour of open science and the transformation of publication channels for academic literature and research…06.05.2024
Open Access, Scholarly Communication, and Open Science in Psychology: An Overview for Researchers
« (…) When it comes to scholarly communication, research practices and traditions vary greatly across and within disciplines. This monograph presents…03.05.2024
PALOMERA Knowledge Base
« The Knowledge Base is a collection of documents such as reports, policies, statistics, survey results and interview transcripts relevant to…02.05.2024
DIAMAS Conversation series for libraries: Advancing diamond OA in Europe
« Libraries are vital pillars of the Diamond Open Access (OA) ecosystem, providing infrastructure, services, and expert support to institutional publishers.29.04.2024
Dealing with multilingualism and non-English content in open repositories: Challenges and perspectives
« Several organizations and initiatives have recently called for more support of multilingualism in research to promote epistemic plurality and raise…22.04.2024
[Publications MDPI] Special Issue « Diamond Open Access » is open for submissions
« (…) Against the backdrop of the information introduced above regarding diamond OA, the aim of this Special Issue is to…22.04.2024
Benefits of open access to researchers from lower-income countries: A global analysis of reference patterns in 1980–2020
« The main objective of the open access (OA) movement is to make scientific literature freely available to everyone. This may…16.04.2024
IFLA Open Access Vocabularies
« (…) The purpose of IFLA’s Open Access vocabulary is to collate the most widely used terms and definitions, with reference…04.04.2024
VeriXiv Supports Gates-Funded Researchers to Comply with new Open Access Policy
« F1000 and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced plans to launch a new verified preprint platform that will…04.04.2024
DIAMAS Project | D5.1 IPSP Sustainability Research Report
« Understanding the sustainability of institutional publishers and service providers (IPSPs) constitutes a key step in the DIAMAS project. This…03.04.2024
The open access coverage of OpenAlex, Scopus and Web of Science
« Diamond open access (OA) journals offer a publishing model that is free for both authors and readers, but their lack…03.04.2024
[article+code+data]: A virtuous tryptic towards reproducible research
« Too often, the methods described in research papers are not reproducible because the code and/or data are simply not provided.28.03.2024
Advancing Equity and Innovation in Research Publishing: Time for a New Era in the Open Access Movement?
« Today marks a significant milestone as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) announces a new Open…28.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Framework for scaling up reproducibility practices in research organisations
« This framework is the main output of a Knowledge Exchange (KE) study titled Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research…27.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research organisations
« Reproducibility is vital in ensuring the quality and integrity of research. This Knowledge Exchange report and accompanying framework is the…22.03.2024
Launch of the NORF-funded pilot National Open Access Monitor and Report
« The NORF-funded pilot National Open Access Monitor has been launched and is available at https://oamonitor.ireland.openaire.eu/. (…) »…04.03.2024
Making Research Data Publicly Accessible: Estimates of Institutional & Researcher Expenses
« Academic institutions have made significant investments to support public access to research data requirements, yet little to no data about…26.02.2024
The societal impact of Open Science–a scoping review
« Open Science (OS) aims, in part, to drive greater societal impact of academic research. Government, funder and institutional policies state…26.02.2024
The Platform Developers in a Federated Model of Diamond Open Access
« In their recent discussion paper “Towards a Federated Global Community of Diamond Open Access,” Pierre Mounier (OpenEdition,…22.02.2024
Report of the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conference
« …21.02.2024
The Nexus of Open Science and Innovation: Insights from Patent Citations
« This paper aims to analyze the extent to which inventive activity relies on open science. In other words, it investigates…12.02.2024
Monitoring Open Science as Transformative Change: Towards a Systemic Framework
« Following a flurry of policies for Open Science (OS), there is now a wave of initiatives to monitor its adoption.07.02.2024
OASPA – 2023 in Review
« It is important, every now and then, for an organisation to take a step back and look at progress. 2023…29.01.2024
Open-access papers draw more citations from a broader readership
« For 2 decades, advocates of open access in scientific publishing have offered a fundamental justification: Making papers immediately free for…19.01.2024
OASPA’s forthcoming recommendations to increase equity in open access: the story of how we got here, and why
« OASPA has developed a draft of recommended practices to help publishing organisations increase equity in open access. These recommendations are…15.01.2024
Going Open Access: The Attitudes and Actions of Scientific Journal Editors in China
« This study aims to investigate the attitudes and actions of scientific journal editors in China towards open access. Semi-structured interviews…15.01.2024
Open access research outputs receive more diverse citations
« The goal of open access is to allow more people to read and use research outputs. An observed association between…12.01.2024
Articles, software, data: An Open Science ethological study
« Open Science seeks to render research outputs visible, accessible, reusable.(…) In this context, it is relevant to better visualize and…08.01.2024
An Interview with TU Delft Open Publishing on joining OASPA
« TU Delft OPEN Publishing has recently become a member of OASPA in the small professional publisher category,…05.01.2024
Open Science Practice in Western Balkan Countries
« This comprehensive review explores the landscape of open science in the Western Balkan Countries (WBCs), offering insights into existing policies,…20.12.2023
Un guide d’utilisation des Creative Commons pour les journalistes (mais pas que)
« Open Newswire et Creative Commons se sont associés pour proposer un guide pratique sur…07.12.2023
Le monde d’après” pour les bibliothèques académiques, rôle des bibliothèques dans un environnement Open Access ?
« L’Open Access et la réinvention des bibliothèques académiques : entre défis et innovations Comment les bibliothèques académiques peuvent-elles s’adapter…05.12.2023
Suggestions de dépôts : un nouveau service de HAL pour importer automatiquement vos publications déjà en libre accès
« Plusieurs de vos publications sont en libre accès et vous voulez les déposer dans HAL ? Un nouveau service est…05.12.2023
Open access: Dependence from article processing charges publishing in Portugal
« Conversely to diamond open access, gold open access is associated with article processing charges (APCs), which may represent an important…30.11.2023
UKRI monograph open access policy coming soon: here’s what you need to know
« From 1 January 2024, monographs, book chapters or edited collections acknowledging funding from UKRI or any of…29.11.2023
National Open Access Monitor, Ireland Draft Report
« This draft report provides an initial assessment of Ireland’s Open Access (OA) landscape, with a primary focus on a baseline…28.11.2023