Special January / April 2024 of Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS)

« The editors of Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) are pleased to announce the publication of a special January / April 2024 double issue on open access. We’re pleased to share with you the first issue of the calendar year, with these peer-reviewed articles:
(…) This issue highlights the work of librarians who have not been sidelined by challenges, but rather embraced them to investigate how open access does—or does not—align with institutional goals, budgets, and workflows. (…) »

Editorial: Open Access: One Goal, Many Pathways / Rachel E. Scott, Michael Fernandez

Communications on Practice
Partners in Progress: Publishers and Librarians Support Open Access Publishing / Joseph Lerro, Rachel E. Scott
Opening Up: A Global Context for Local Open Access Initiatives in Higher Education / Chelsee Dickson

Are Transformative Agreements Worth It? An Analysis of Open Access Publication Data at the University of Kentucky / Ben Rawlins
A Census of Institutional Repositories at Regional Public Universities / Sierra Laddusaw
Exploring a Read and Publish Agreement: The Three-Year Taylor & Francis Pilot / Maureen P. Walsh, Gene R. Springs, Anita K. Foster

Notes on Operations
Breaking the Mold of Promotion and Tenure Polices that De-Incentivize Open Access Publishing: A Case Study of an LIS Faculty / Sarah W. Sutton
Behind the Curve but Moving Ahead: Advocating for an Open Access Policy as a Late-Stage Adopter / Savannah Lake, Elizabeth Siler, Jeff McAdams, Kate Dickson
Developing Open Access Resource Management Principles in a Consortial Environment: A University of California Model / Erica Zhang, Cynthia Johnson
Growing an Institutional Repository: Leveraging a Citation Database as a Tool for Sourcing Deposits and Conducting Outreach / Savannah Lake, Stephannie Regenauer
Shifting the Collection Development Mindset: Moving from Traditional Journal Subscriptions to Transformative Agreements / Rachelle McLain, Hannah McKelvey
Navigating Open Access and Transformative Agreements: A Case Study of the University of Maryland / Alexander Dod

Book Reviews
Book Review: The Complete Guide to Open Scholarship
Erin Wentz

source > alacorenews.org, Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS), Vol 68, No 1-2 (2024) January/April DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/lrts.68n1
