Royaume-Uni, Université de Loughborough : Using bibliometrics responsibly

« Loughborough University is proud of its achievements in research to date and has ambitious plans for the future in line with the ‘Building Excellence’ strategy. The quality of our research clearly affects the academic, social, economic and environmental impact it has. Maximising the visibility of our research is equally important to delivering that impact and bibliometric indicators are currently attracting much attention in these regards. As a university, we are keen to improve the quality and visibility of our research. While recognising their limitations, particularly in certain discipline areas, we also recognise that bibliometric indicators can be a helpful tool in monitoring progress against this goal. (…)While seeking to establish an agreed set of indicators for a variety of uses, including review at the individual and institutional levels, we are also committed to using bibliometric indicators sensibly and responsibly. The Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics (Hicks et al, 2015) outlines ten principles for responsible research evaluation and Loughborough University subscribes to these principles as outlined below. (…) »

source >, 2017
