Mot-clé :
Geographical and Disciplinary Coverage of Open Access Journals: OpenAlex, Scopus and WoS
« This study aims to compare the geographical and disciplinary coverage of OA journals in three databases: OpenAlex, Scopus and the…04.09.2024
The role of scientometrics in the pursuit of responsible research assessment
« (…) In 2023, some scholars from the University of Granada in Spain accused both the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)…20.08.2024
Evaluating Research Quality with Large Language Models: An Analysis of ChatGPT’s Effectiveness with Different Settings and Inputs
« Evaluating the quality of academic journal articles is a time consuming but critical task for national research evaluation exercises, appointments…05.03.2024
Webinar: How EPFL uses OpenAlex for tailor-made scientometrics and benchmarking between Universities
« Summary: In this webinar, the Academic Data Unit from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland (EPFL) showcase how they…08.08.2023
Beyond views, productivity, and citations: measuring geopolitical differences of scientific impact in communication research
« Scientometric analyses applying critical sociological frameworks have previously shown that high-prestige research output—with regards to both quantity and impact—is typically…03.11.2022
Researchers and their data. A study based on the use of the word data in scholarly articles
« Data is one of the most used terms in scientific vocabulary. This article focusses on the relationship between data and…20.10.2022
Open Editors: A dataset of scholarly journals’ editorial board positions
« Editormetrics analyses the role of editors of academic journals and their impact on the scientific publication system. Such analyses would…31.08.2022
Scientometrics: A Concise Introduction and a Detailed Methodology for the Mapping of the Scientific Field of Computing Education
« Scientometrics has emerged as a research field for the evaluation and mapping of scientific fields, exploring research themes, collaboration clusters…08.08.2022
Research performance and scholarly communication profile of competitive research funding: the case of Academy of Finland
« The Academy of Finland (AKA), Finland’s major public research funding agency, uses a Web of Science (WoS) based bibliometric indicator…17.01.2022
Scopus 1900–2020: Growth in articles, abstracts, countries, fields, and journals
« Scientometric research often relies on large-scale bibliometric databases of academic journal articles. Long term and longitudinal research can be affected…10.12.2021
BiblioGraph : un outil et une méthode pour visualiser les paysages scientométriques
« Développé avec le soutien de la Mission pour les initiatives transverses et interdisciplinaires (MITI) du…05.11.2021
Comment la science ouverte peut faire évoluer les méthodes d’évaluation de la recherche
« Des pandémies au changement climatique, en passant par l’automatisation et le big data, les défis du siècle sont immenses et impliquent,…20.07.2021
scite: a smart citation index that displays the context of citations and classifies their intent using deep learning
« Citation indices are tools used by the academic community for research and research evaluation which aggregate scientific literature output and…07.07.2021
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI2021)
« The 18th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference is held on 12–15 July 2021 and organized by KU Leuven…13.04.2021
Quantitative Science Studies: Understanding Chinese science: New scientometric perspectives [Special Issue]
« (…)The special issue covers a diversity of topics on Chinese science, ranging from scientometric analyses (i.e.,…03.03.2021
Which aspects of the Open Science agenda are most relevant to scientometric research and publishing? An opinion paper
« Open Science is an umbrella term that encompasses many recommendations for possible changes in research practices, management, and publishing with…mitpressjournals.org, Lutz Bornmann, Raf Guns , Michael Thelwall, Dietmar Wolfram, 10 février 2021
WikiCite 2020 Virtual conference – session 27 octobre – Scientométrie ouverte [vidéos, diaporamas]
« Session de WikiCite 2020 en langue française – “WikiCite et scientométrie ouverte » …10.08.2020
A typology of scientific breakthroughs
« Scientific breakthroughs are commonly understood as discoveries that transform the knowledge frontier and have a major impact on science, technology,…mitpressjournals.org, Mignon Wuestman , Jarno Hoekman, Koen Frenken, 29 juin 2020
Visualize the impact of your research – a customizable tool in the making
« Metrics play an important role in research life. Hiring decisions or the evaluation of institutions or research groups are often…17.09.2019
Peer review vs bibliometrics: which method better predicts the scholarly impact of publications?
« In this work, we try to answer the question of which method, peer review vs bibliometrics, better predicts the future…04.09.2019
Digital Science and the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics join forces to provide ISSI members with free access to Dimensions and Altmetric data
« Digital Science, a leader in scholarly technology, is pleased to announce a collaboration with the International Society for Scientometrics and…03.09.2019
Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings
« Universities are increasingly evaluated, both internally and externally on the basis of their outputs. Often these are converted to simple,…23.08.2019
The 2019 Workshop on Open Scientometric Data Infrastructures at Leiden University
« The Open Scientometric Data Infrastructures Workshop took place at CWTS on 28 February and 1 March 2019. Over the course…20.06.2019
ROSI (Reference Implementation for Open Scientometric Indicators) [diaporama]
« Presentation about ROSI (Reference Implementation for Open Scientometric Indicators) project at Workshop on Open Scientometric Data Infrastructures, Centre for Science…11.06.2019
Large publishing consortia produce higher citation impact research but co-author contributions are hard to evaluate
« This paper introduces a simple agglomerative clustering method to identify large publishing consortia with at least 20 authors and 80%…15.04.2019
BIR 2019 / 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval* – Cologne, Germany, April 14th, 2019 [book of proceedings]
*co-located with the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019) « The Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval workshop series (BIR) at…11.01.2019
Do altmetrics work for assessing research quality?
« Alternative metrics (aka altmetrics) are gaining increasing interest in the scientometrics community as they can capture both the volume and…18.12.2018
Discipline-specific open access publishing practices and barriers to change: an evidence-based review
« (…) Many of the discussions surrounding Open Access (OA) revolve around how it affects publishing practices across different academic disciplines.17.09.2018
Is together better? Examining scientific collaborations across multiple authors, institutions, and departments
« Collaborations are an integral part of scientific research and publishing. In the past, access to large-scale corpora has limited the…arxiv.org, Lovenoor Aulck, Kishore Vasan, Jevin West, 11 septembre 2018, arXiv:1809.04093
Mesurer la science [Traduction de : Measuring research: what everyone needs to know]
« L’ensemble de la communauté scientifique réclame depuis plusieurs années des indicateurs fiables permettant de mesurer les répercussions de la recherche.20.08.2018
Méthodologie pour identifier les terrains d’étude dans des corpus scientifiques
« Le projet interdisciplinaire TERRE-ISTEX a pour objectif d’identifier l’évolution des fronts de recherche en relation avec les territoires d’études, les…30.03.2018
7th Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval Workshop at ECIR 2018, Grenoble, France, March 26, 2018
« The Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) workshop series has started at ECIR in 2014 and serves as the annual gathering of…ceur-ws.org/Vol-2080, Edited by Philipp Mayr, Ingo Frommholz, Guillaume Cabanac, 2018
Dario Rodighiero. « Mapping affinities: visualizing academic practice through collaboration » [thèse]
« Academic affinities are one of the most fundamental hidden dynamics that drive scientific development. Some affinities are actual, and consequently…15.01.2018
Autorité scientifique et épistémique à l’épreuve de la mesure des citations
« (…) Cet article fait le point sur la construction de l’autorité scientifique dans la communication scientifique en examinant sous l’angle…03.01.2018
Croissance des revues savantes : de la connaissance et… du bruit
« (…) Dans Science Since Babylon, l’un des ouvrages fondateurs de la scientométrie publiée en 1961, Derek de Solla Price montrait…13.10.2017
Major cities concentrate less scientific production
« The world’s major cities, such as New York, London, and Tokyo, are losing their predominant position in the production and…10.07.2017
Ressources de scientométrie
« L’analyse de l’état de la science – dont la circulation de l’information scientifique et technique (IST) est un paramètre –…15.03.2017
Scholia and scientometrics with Wikidata
« Scholia is a tool to handle scientific bibliographic information in Wikidata. The Scholia Web service creates on-the-fly scholarly profiles for…23.02.2017
Publications françaises Open Access 2010-2014 – Etude bibliométrique
« Afin de disposer d’éléments concrets pour éclairer la décision publique, le groupe de travail BSN4 a demandé à l’Inist la…27.01.2017
Royaume-Uni, Université de Loughborough : Using bibliometrics responsibly
« Loughborough University is proud of its achievements in research to date and has ambitious plans for the future in line…13.06.2016
ELPUB Scientometrics Portal Launched
« In convergence with the 20th anniversary of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB) , a scientometrics installation was created…27.04.2015
Le manifeste de Leiden pour la mesure de la recherche
« The Leiden manifesto for research Metrics, Nature, 520, 429-431 by Diana Hicks, Paul Wouters, Ludo Waltman,…23.04.2015
Retour en images sur « Bibliométrie, scientométrie et métriques alternatives : quels outils pour quelles stratégies? ». Journée ADBU
« … La journée a commencé par une mise en perspective sur l’économie des sciences et la scientométrie par Nicolas…19.12.2014