Creating an executable paper is a journey through Open Science

« Executable papers take transparency and openness in research communication one step further. In this comment, an early career researcher reports her experience of creating an executable paper as a journey through Open Science. (…)
As researchers, we aim at having a direct and positive impact on our society through our work. However, in order to inform policy, research has to be open, transparent, and reproducible. This does not stop at the data being available, but includes transparency of the methods employed to reach conclusions, as well as an efficient dissemination of the results.
A way to support data availability and methods transparency is the “executable paper” format – i.e. formatting a publication as a dynamic piece of software that combines text, raw data, and the code used for the analysis, and that a reader can interact with. While the reader still has to trust that data have been collected properly, being able to directly reproduce the analysis is already more than many classical publications currently allow. As classical journals do not yet accept executable papers as submissions, the executable paper fulfills the role of an extended preprint that exists next to a peer reviewed publication in a journal. (…) »

source >, Lasser, J. Creating an executable paper is a journey through Open Science. Commun Phys 3, 143 (2020).
