Copyright Clearance Center Announces RightsLink® for Scientific Communications

« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces the release of RightsLink® for Scientific Communications, formerly RightsLink Author, which builds on a market-leading platform to help publishers quickly model and support a wide variety of transformative agreements. (…)
In building RightsLink for Scientific Communications, CCC worked closely with its customers, their OA stakeholders, and RightsLink partners to create a robust and flexible platform that meets current market needs and anticipates future requirements. RightsLink for Scientific Communications supports Read and Publish, Publish and Read, Pure Open Access, Deposit, Membership, and many more emerging transformative agreements.
Designed by Open Access and publishing experts, RightsLink for Scientific Communications delivers sophisticated workflow tools that enable the funding, payment, management and reporting of Open Access and related publication charges. RightsLink is used by more than 30 of the world’s leading publishers and almost 80 institutions, representing nearly 2,000 journals and authors from over 125 countries. (…) »

source >, 8 octobre 2019
