Katerina Palamioti « The Role of Communication and Social Media in the New Profile of the Terminologist. A Case Study: The Terminology Management in the European Parliament » [Master thesis] (.pdf)

« (…) Nowadays, a good terminologist does not necessarily need to be just or a translator. Instead, for both cases, one must have competences such as to be able to monitor the web, master social media management, join specialised groups, as well as use other media channels for its research. Furthermore, it is essential for the translator and the terminologist to follow and actively use a variety of linguistic IT tools, portals and search engines related to terminology, ontology, localisation, neology, translation and interpretation. As a result, nowadays, besides the evident digital competences, communication and information management represents a must-have competence for language professionals and especially for terminologists. In this context, this master thesis attempted to investigate the evolution of the terminology work field and its expert’s profile, the terminologist and to explore the challenges for the terminologist’s future. (…) »

source > termcoord.eu, Katerina Palamioti, Supervisors: Ingrid de Saint-Georges & Rodolfo Maslias, 2018
