Challenging the Current Business Models in Academic Publishing: Accelerators and Obstacles to the Open Access Transition (June 2018) [.pdf]

« (…) The topic of ‘Big Deals’ was discussed at the workshop ‘Challenging the current business models in academic publishing – Accelerators and obstacles to the Open Access transition’, organised on 26 and 27 April 2017 by Science Europe in collaboration with the European University Association (EUA) and the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER). The workshop was organised to trigger further expert discussions on the current business models and their alternatives, as a follow- up to the April 2016 Science Europe Briefing Paper on ‘Open Access Business Models and Current Trends in the Open Access Publishing System’.
Over the two-day workshop, more than 50 experts – including representatives from universities, libraries, publishers, research funding and performing organisations – discussed the role of ‘Big Deals’ in the context of the transition to Open Access. The first day focused on ‘Big Deals’ themselves, whileparticipants explored alternative business models on the second day. (…) »

source >, juin j 2018
