Diffusion des savoirs scientifiques, Enseignement supérieur et recherche, Lire/Regarder/Ecouter, Ressources scientifiques et techniques
Document Supply of Grey Literature and Open Access: Ten Years Later
« … The paper is based on a comparative survey of five major scientific and technical information centres: The British Library (UK), KM (Canada), INIST-CNRS (France), KISTI (South Korea) and TIB Hannover (Germany) (…)
Except perhaps for the TIB Hannover, the declining importance of grey literature points towards their changing role – less intermediation, less acquisition and collection development and more high-value services, more dissemination and preservation capacities designed for the scientific community needs (research excellence, open access, data management, etc.) (…) »
source > archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr, Joachim Schöpfel, 24 août 2015