Mot-clé : Fourniture de documents
Document Delivery and Resource Sharing: Global Perspectives
« This publication is intended to provide librarians, library practitioners, as well as teachers, researchers, and students of universities and research…10.08.2021
17th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference (8-10 March 2022 in Doha, Quatar). Call For Papers
« The IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing (DDRS) Standing Committee is pleased to announce the 17th Interlending and Document Supply…25.06.2021
How to make knowledge powerful: IFLA engages in HERMES project on resource sharing
« Empowering research by connecting libraries and facilitating access to knowledge; the international HERMES project responds with research, training, and brand…03.03.2021
AMI fourniture dématérialisée de documents : les résultats
« Résultats de l’appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour l’équipement d’établissements du réseau avec un outil informatique de fourniture dématérialisée de documents.16.12.2020
AMI fourniture dématérialisée de documents
« En 2021, le GIS CollEx-Persée soutient l’équipement d’établissements, sous tutelle de l’ESRet membres de son réseau, qui auront fait connaître…31.07.2020
Interlibrary loaning across the globe: a gap turned into a successful new global service by an IFLA Professional Unit
« IFLA’s Document Delivery and Resource-Sharing Professional Unit (IFLA DDRS) has launched a new service to support the sharing of resources across…11.10.2019
16th IFLA ILDS Conference 2019: Beyond the Paywall: Resource Sharing in a Disruptive Ecosystem, Prague, October 9-11, 2019
« The Section on Document Delivery and Resource Sharing (DDRS) is the forum in…invenio.nusl.cz, "16th IFLA ILDS Conference 2019: Beyond the Paywall", conference proceedings
Big Ten Academic Alliance Selects Reprints Desk As Document Delivery Provider for Member Libraries
« ENCINO, Calif., June 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Research Solutions, Inc., a pioneer in providing…25.03.2019
New, powerfully simple library tool to deliver articles. No subscription needed
« (…) The Open Access Button is building a world where — regardless of a campus’ subscription access — there is a simple, community-owned, one-stop…21.03.2019
Reprints Desk Joins Forces With Library Cooperatice OCLC
« Partnership Integrates Reprints Desk’s Article Galaxy Platform with OCLC’s Tipasa Workflow Solution for Simplified Access to Academic Literature. (…) »…04.02.2019
Lancement des groupes de travail CollEx-Persée sur la fourniture de documents à distance et les plans de conservation partagée
« Parmi les nombreuses activités du Groupement d’intérêt scientifique (G.I.S.) CollEx-Persée qui vise à développer les services aux chercheurs autour des…19.07.2018
TIB facilitates literature supply despite Elsevier blocking access to electronic journals
« Almost 800 journals available via TIB Document Delivery Talks between the scientific publisher Elsevier and the German Rectors’ Conference…13.06.2018
Inist-CNRS : arrêt définitif de l’activité de Fourniture de Documents, au 31/12/2018
« L’Inist-CNRS, dans le cadre de son projet Ingénierie des connaissances 2018-2022 positionne son offre de services autour de 3 axes…17.05.2018
New tools to put OA into Interlibrary Loan from the Open Access Button
« Libraries have led the charge to open up access to the scholarly literature. We want to help turn that leadership…09.05.2018
2019 IFLA ILDS (Interlending and Document Supply) Conference Location Announced
« The Governing Board of IFLA has accepted the recommendation of the Document Delivery and Resource Sharing standing committee in which…22.02.2018
Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services
« The University of Geneva library has seen,like others around the world,a slight but steady decrease in its document delivery service…20.10.2017
British Library On Demand service extends to ‘least developed’ countries
« The On Demand document supply service provided by the British Library to non-commercial UK institutions has been…31.08.2017
Etats-Unis : Big Ten Academic Alliance: Next Generation Resource Delivery: Management System and UX Functional Requirements (.pdf)
Report of the BTAA Discovery to Delivery Project Action Committee « (…) Usability testing has demonstrated patrons find the existing discovery…btaa.org, Bruce Barton, Melissa Eighmy Brown, Angela Davis, Kurt Munson, 21 août 2017
15e Congrès IFLA Interlending & Document Supply
« Le 15ème congrès ILDS (Interlending and Document Supply Conference) de l’IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) se déroule…24.05.2017
Consultation IFLA sur le PEB et la fourniture de documents
« Le Comité permanent IFLA « Fourniture de documents et partage de ressources » révise la charte concernant le prêt…02.05.2017
A leaner, faster interlibrary loan service?
« Jisc is pleased to be taking forward a project to assess the feasibility of a service in the discovery/ interlibrary…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Sarah Fahmy, 27 avril 2017
Shadow libraries and you: Sci-Hub usage and the future of ILL
« The paper « pirating » site Sci-Hub is used all over the world. Is Sci-Hub download traffic affecting usage of interlibrary loan?…eprints.rclis.org, Gardner, GJ, McLaughlin SR, Asher AD, 17 mars 2017
Putting the OA into interlibrary loan
« For the past year, the Open Access Button has been working to integrate our service with library catalogs and…28.02.2017
Royaume-Uni : CLA and Reprints Desk partner to streamline document supply
« CLA’s Check Permissions search tool gives users a quick, simple solution to finding out whether a title is covered under…20.01.2017
Call for Papers: 15th Interlending and Document Supply Conference, October 2017
« The IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Standing Committee invites papers for the 15th Interlending & Document Supply Conference,…18.01.2017
OCLC agrees to acquire Relais International to provide library consortia more options for resource sharing
« OCLC has agreed to acquire Relais International, a leading interlibrary loan solution provider based in Ottawa, Canada, to significantly increase…18.01.2017
OCLC introduces ‘Tipasa’ interlibrary loan management system
« OCLC introduces Tipasa™, the first cloud-based interlibrary loan management system that automates routine borrowing and lending functions for individual libraries.16.12.2016
15th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference / 04-06 octobre 2017 – Paris
» (…) ILDS conference series has long been much else than strictly about interlending and document supply. The themes have…06.12.2016
Open supply? On the future of document supply in the world of open science
« The purpose of this paper is to propose a personal viewpoint on the development of document supply in…26.08.2016
How licensing ended ‘established and respected’ international document supply service
« In this blog, Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager, reveals the data behind the…20.07.2016
British Library: International Non-Commercial Document Supply Service to be withdrawn
« The International Non-Commercial Document Supply (INCD) Service will be withdrawn from 1 July 2016. Since the overseas Library Privilege service…07.06.2016
Draft Revision of the Library and Archives Exceptions in U.S. Copyright Law: Section 108
« The United States Copyright Office is inviting interested parties to discuss potential revisions relating to the library and archives exceptions…23.03.2016
Copyright Clearance Center’s Get It Now Continues International Expansion
« Award-Winning Article Delivery Service Now Available to Institutions of Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates and Oman;…25.08.2015