Open supply? On the future of document supply in the world of open science

« The purpose of this paper is to propose a personal viewpoint on the development of document supply in the context of the recent European Union (EU) decisions on open science. Design/methodology/approach The paper provides some elements to the usual questions of service development, about business, customers, added value, environment and objectives. Findings The EU goal for open science is 100 per cent available research results in 2020. To meet the challenge, document supply must change, include more and other content, serve different targets groups, apply innovative technology and provide knowledge. If not, document supply will become a marginalized library service.. (…) »

source >, Joachim Schöpfel, HAL Id : hal-01408443, version 1DOI : 10.1108/ILDS-07-2016-0025, 4 décembre 2016
