Mot-clé : preprint
Peer-reviewed preprints and the Publish-Review-Curate model
« The traditional scientific publication model, characterized by gate-keeping editorial decisions, has come under increasing criticism. Opponents argue that it is…03.07.2024
« Towards Responsible Publishing »: Findings from a global stakeholder consultation
« Research Consulting and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) were commissioned to…04.04.2024
VeriXiv Supports Gates-Funded Researchers to Comply with new Open Access Policy
« F1000 and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced plans to launch a new verified preprint platform that will…07.02.2024
Les épirevues
« Une épirevue (en anglais : overlay journal) est une revue électronique en accès ouvert, alimentée par les articles déposés dans les…13.12.2023
Soumettre un preprint à une revue d’Episciences : une nouveauté dans le formulaire de dépôt HAL
« Si vous déposez votre manuscrit dans HAL en vue de le soumettre à une des revues diffusées…04.08.2023
To Preprint or Not to Preprint: A Global Researcher Survey
« Open science is receiving widespread attention globally, and preprinting offers an important way to implement open science practices in scholarly…13.12.2022
Ten Recommended Practices for Managing Preprints in Generalist and Institutional Repositories
« Today, COAR and ASAPbio are pleased to announce the publication of “Ten Recommended Practices for Managing Preprints in Generalist and…06.12.2022
Free and Open-Source Automated Open Access Preprint Harvesting
« Universities are attempting to ensure that all of their research is publicly accessible because of…05.12.2022
Comment repérer un serveur de preprints ?
« Consultez le répertoire des serveurs de preprints tenu par le Centre de la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD) et la Confederation…19.10.2022
International disparities in open access practices in the Earth Sciences
« The rise in OA publishing has potential implications for researchers and tends to shift article-processing charges from organizations to individuals.06.10.2022
Le CCSD et COAR annoncent le lancement d’un répertoire pour les serveurs de preprints
« Le CCSD et la Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) ont le plaisir d’annoncer officiellement le lancement…12.05.2022
SciELO Preprints server completes two years of operation, contributing to the advancement of Open Science
« The positioning of the SciELO Program as an open science program, provided for the creation of a preprints’ server,…07.03.2022
SciELO Preprints discoverable in Europe PMC
« In 2020 SciELO and the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) launched the SciELO Preprints Collection…18.02.2022
Examining linguistic shifts between preprints and publications
« Preprints allow researchers to make their findings available to the scientific community before they have undergone peer review. Studies on…10.02.2022
EGU announces the newest feature of their Open Access repository, EGUsphere: preprints!
« EGUsphere, the innovative Open Access repository created by the European Geosciences Union and its publishing partner…04.02.2022
Débat : Comment l’évaluation ouverte renouvelle-t-elle la conversation scientifique ?
« La crise du Covid et plus spécifiquement les progrès dans la connaissance de la maladie et des moyens d’y faire…01.02.2022
Le CCSD et COAR annoncent la création d’un répertoire pour les serveurs de preprints
« Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD) et la Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) ont…13.01.2022
Preprints: Their Evolving Role in Science Communication
« This briefing discusses the history and role of preprints in the biological sciences within the evolving open science landscape. The…04.01.2022
Entretien : Denis Bourguet co-fondateur de Peer Community In [vidéo]
« Denis Bourguet est DR INRAE dans l’UMR CBGP. Depuis 5 ans il est le co-fondateur et co-manager (avec Thomas Guillemaud)…23.12.2021
The pandemic and the changing publishing scene in Africa
« As the world is still grappling with the pandemic and its devastating effects, the need for rapid and affordable means…10.12.2021
Les préprints : guide pratique
« Ce guide est la traduction adaptée au contexte français de « A Practical Guide to Preprints: Accelerating Scholarly…29.06.2021
Did You Ask for Citations? An Insight into Preprint Citations en route to Open Science
« This study investigates citation patterns between 2017 and 2020 for preprints published in three preprint servers, one specializing in biology…20.04.2021
Day-to-day discovery of preprint–publication links
« Preprints promote the open and fast communication of non-peer reviewed work. Once a preprint is published in a peer-reviewed venue,…26.03.2021
Preprints in Chemistry: An Exploratory Analysis of Differences with Journal Articles
« The exploratory analysis of the differences between preprints and the corresponding peer reviewed journal articles for ten studies first published…22.02.2021
Is preprint the future of science? A thirty year journey of online preprint services
« Preprint is a version of a scientific paper that is publicly distributed preceding formal peer review. Since the launch of…arxiv.org, Boya Xie, Zhihong Shen, Kuansan Wang, 17 février 2021, arxiv.org/abs/2102.09066
Preprints as accelerator of scholarly communication: An empirical analysis in Mathematics
« In this study we analyse the key driving factors of preprints in enhancing scholarly communication. To this end we use…09.10.2020
Preprints and Author Services: An Interview with Rachel Burley and Eugenie Regan
« In recent years, major publishing houses have increased the attention they have been giving to preprints, as my colleague Oya…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Roger C. Schonfeld, 8 octobre 2020
Meta-Research: International authorship and collaboration across bioRxiv preprints
« Preprints are becoming well established in the life sciences, but relatively little is known about the demographics of the researchers…05.08.2020
Preprint servers and the publishers embracing open peer review
« At the annual meeting of ISMPP this year, the way that publishers engage with preprints was…10.06.2020
Europe PMC to include the full text of COVID-19 preprints
« In this pandemic, researchers have responded by publishing results rapidly, often through preprints. In fact, up to half of…03.06.2020
CABI launches new agriRxiv, the dedicated agricultural preprint service for agricultural research
« agriRxiv – pronounced agri-archive, and previously known as AgriXiv – is to be relaunched with a…03.06.2020
A systematic examination of preprint platforms for use in the medical and biomedical sciences setting
« The objective of this review is to identify all preprint platforms with biomedical and medical scope and to compare and…27.05.2020
Preprints in the Spotlight – Establishing Best Practices, Building Trust
« (…) The purpose of this issue brief is to provide an overview of the preprint landscape in the first half…19.05.2020
Three online tools aimed at improving preprints
« (…) While preprints accounted for just 2.2% of all papers indexed on the life sciences search…17.04.2020
SciELO Preprints begins operations
« The SciELO Program has launched the SciELO Preprints server – http://preprints.scielo.org – with the aim of…15.04.2020
FREE UKSG webinar – Preprints are Changing the Landscape – May 13 2020
« This webinar consists of three presentations Preprints: where are we now? Jessica Polka, PhD, Executive Director, ASAPbio…10.04.2020
The Road to Preprints (Part 3): Metadata Matters
« In our third and final post in our “Road to Preprints” series, we’re chatting with PKP…04.03.2020
The Road to Preprints (Part 2): SciELO’s Preprint Server
« (…) In addition to seed funding to make Open Preprint Systems (OPS) possible, SciELO is working closely with the PKP…03.03.2020
Faute d’adopter les principes du numérique, adieu à l’accès ouvert et longue vie à la crise des publications !
[traduction de l’anglais « We’re still failing to deliver open access and solve the serials crisis: to succeed we need…27.02.2020
Le peer-reviewing en quête d’un nouveau modèle [1/5] : Peer Community In
« Et si l’avenir du peer-reviewing devait s’imaginer à l’écart des grands éditeurs scientifiques privés ? C’est l’une des convictions de…25.02.2020
The Road to Preprints (Part 1): Introducing Open Preprint Systems
« Our story begins in February 2017 when SciELO first announced their quest for a preprint server.07.02.2020
From sharing to versioning to citing to retracting or… How preprints became quasi-articles
« The forms of communication in academic communities are very diverse: articles, seminars, books, colloquia, mailing lists, posters, letters, workshops, proceedings,……24.01.2020
Accélérer la communication savante : le rôle transformateur des prépublications [traduction de l’anglais « The transformative role of preprints »]
« Cette étude a pour but d’explorer la place des prépublications dans le cycle de vie de la recherche du point…21.01.2020
Practices and policies of preprint platforms for life and biomedical sciences
« Given the increase in the use and profile of preprint servers – and alternative publishing hybrid platforms such as F1000…21.10.2019
The Second Wave of Preprint Servers: How Can Publishers Keep Afloat?
« Editor’s Note: this is a guest post by Rob Johnson and Andrea Chiarelli of Research Consulting.11.10.2019
La Lettre de CoopIST, octobre 2019
« Au sommaire de ce numéro : le site CoopIST évolue pour prendre en compte de nouveaux thèmes et de nouveaux…01.10.2019
Announcing TRiP: Transparent Review in Preprints, Powered by Hypothesis Annotation
« Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) today announced a new pilot project — Transparent Review in Preprints…25.09.2019
Accelerating scholarly communication: The transformative role of preprints
« (…) Objectives The overall objective of this study was to explore the place of preprints in the research lifecycle from…17.09.2019
Technical and social issues influencing the adoption of preprints in the life sciences
« Preprints are gaining visibility in many fields. Thanks to the explosion of bioRxiv, an online server for preprints in biology,…28.08.2019
PREreview: Help Us Change the « Who », « When », and « How » of Peer Review
« (…) PREreview seeks to diversify peer review by crowdsourcing preprint feedback to improve the quality of published scientific output, and…27.08.2019
Chinese Chemical Society and Chemical Society of Japan join the American Chemical Society, the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and the Royal Society of Chemistry as co-owners of ChemRxiv
« The American Chemical Society, the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society) and the Royal Society of Chemistry today announce their…19.08.2019
Research outputs find a home at IndiaRxiv
» Open Access India and the Center for Open Science have collaborated…26.06.2019
Preprints – Opportunity or Challenge? [poster]
« Knowledge Exchange has been investigating the preprints landscape since 2018. Our recent research, which included an extensive literature review (60+…zenodo.org, Kant, Juliane, LIBER 2019, Poster, 10.5281/zenodo.3250206.
Transpose – a new database of almost 3000 journal policies for peer review and preprints
« Publishers’ policies on pre-prints, citation, licensing and versioning can be at best hard to find and at times confusing. This…24.06.2019
Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature
« Preprint usage is growing rapidly in the life sciences; however, questions remain on the relative quality of preprints when compared…07.06.2019
Science Ouverte : et les prépublications dans tout ça ?
« Depuis 2018, l’association internationale Knowledge Exchange étudie l’écosystème passionnant de la science ouverte (appelée Open Scholarship…06.06.2019
medRxiv : New preprint server for the health sciences announced today
« A joint collaboration between Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Yale University, and BMJ medRxiv aims to meet the unique preprint…23.05.2019
Are preprints paving the way to science in real time?
« Arxiv, the most widely known preprint server, has received over 1.5 million preprints since its inception…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Frank Manista, 22 mai 2019
Springer Nature journals unify their policy to encourage preprint sharing
« For more than two decades, Nature and its sister journals have supported pre-publication sharing of manuscripts on preprint servers. Nature’s…07.05.2019
Dans quelles revues sont publiés les preprints déposés sur bioRxiv ?
« L’archive bioRxiv est le serveur pour déposer les preprints de biologie. Lorsqu’un preprint est déposé, il…03.05.2019
Knowledge Exchange: Practices, drivers and impediments in the use of preprints [diaporama]
« Background and rationale The traditional academic publishing process is known to be time-consuming and, in some cases, slow.18.04.2019