Mot-clé : open-science
Nine things we now know about the European open science cloud
« The idea of creating a shared online repository that would make all data from publicly funded research available for anyone…01.12.2017
Survey: participate and help shaping the future infrastructure OPERAS
« The OPERAS consortium launches new surveys to gather more detailed information on the usage and needs regarding open scholarly communication,…30.11.2017
Knowledge Exchange: The Evolving Landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures
« In 2016 the Knowledge Exchange Research Data expert group identified a need for better understanding of the nature and consequences…30.11.2017
Unrestricted Text and Data Mining with allofPLOS
« Content mining, machine learning, text and data mining (TDM) and data analytics all refer to the process of obtaining information…27.11.2017
LIBER 2018: Call for Papers
« The Call for Papers for LIBER’s 2018 Annual Conference — in Lille, France from 4 to 6 July 2018 — is now…24.11.2017
7es journées Science Ouverte Couperin, 22, 23, 24 janvier 2018
« Trois ans après les journées d’octobre 2015 qui ont vu Madame Axelle Lemaire, Secrétaire d’État chargée du Numérique et de…24.11.2017
Moving to the next level: Interview on open science in Finland
« Coordinated efforts on many levels have fostered open science in Finland. In our interview, Pirjo-Leena Forsström shares some insights into…16.11.2017
A radically open approach to developing infrastructure for Open Science
« Hindawi’s CEO, Paul Peters, explains the problems inherent in proprietary solutions for Open Science infrastructure and presents a proposal for…10.11.2017
New international coalition takes crowd-funding style approach to secure the future of open science
« In an effort to strengthen and secure the network of non-commercial services that underpin the burgeoning field of Open Science,…10.11.2017
Usage of Knowledge Unlatched titles doubled within one quarter
« The Open Access (OA) books funded through Knowledge Unlatched (KU) have doubled their usage between the second and third quarters…09.11.2017
« 17 Goals to Transform our World » Ireland’s Sustainable Development Goals
« Governments, businesses and civil society together with the United Nations (UN) have started to mobilise efforts to achieve the Sustainable…31.10.2017
Irlande : Access all areas: HRB introduces new approach to publishing research results
« The Health Research Board (HRB) is to launch a new publishing platform that will enable HRB–funded researchers to publish all…30.10.2017
La Commission va investir 30 milliards d’euros dans de nouvelles solutions pour répondre aux défis sociétaux et encourager l’innovation de rupture
La Commission européenne a présenté aujourd’hui la manière dont elle compte dépenser 30 milliards d’euros provenant du programme de financement…27.10.2017
OA2020: Divest of Subscriptions, Invest in Open Access!
« Open in order to innovate! In the theme of Open Access Week 2017, OA2020 relaunches its website with a call…27.10.2017
EUA Recommendations on Research Data Management and Text & Data Mining
« Given the increasing importance of research data in the transition to a more open scholarly communication system, EUA has developed…27.10.2017
European Open Science Cloud Declaration
« Today, the Commission makes the EOSC Declaration available to all scientific stakeholders,…26.10.2017
Science ouverte : pour un meilleur accès aux résultats de la recherche
« Les relations se tendent entre les chercheurs et une poignées d’éditeurs scientifiques qui tendent à privatiser les résultats de la…franceculture.fr/emissions/le-choix-de-la-redaction, 26 octobre 2017
Figshare’s annual report, The State of Open Data 2017, looks at global attitudes towards open data
« (…) This report is the second in the series and includes survey results and a collection of articles from global…23.10.2017
The Open Science Cafe at the Open Science Fair
« In order for open science to happen, it is important to get out of your own bubble and connect to…20.10.2017
The citizen’s role in and contribution to research
« The report synthesises the results of an expert consultation on ‘citizen science,’ which refers to the range of contributions citizens…20.10.2017
Open Science MOOC
« This website is aimed to provide information about our MOOC on Open Science principles and practices, its rational, the current…18.10.2017
The next stage of SocArXiv’s development: bringing greater transparency and efficiency to the peer review process
« Almost 1,500 papers have been uploaded to SocArXiv since its launch last year. Up to now the platform has operated…16.10.2017
MLE (Mutual Learning Exercise) on Open Science – Report on different types of Altmetrics
« Altmetrics data are mainly gathered from readily available online sources, making altmetrics highly relevant in the context of Open Science.16.10.2017
Communiqué commun sur la Réforme de la Directive sur le droit d’auteur dans le marché unique numérique
« EPRIST partage et soutient les mises en garde des principales associations européennes de l’enseignement et de la recherche. Dans une lettre…12.10.2017
Journée d’étude Open Science : partage des données et publications
« Quelles initiatives régionales en matière d’outils et services ? Inist, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, le 16 novembre 2017 L’Inist, avec le soutien de la…11.10.2017
Appel de Jussieu pour la Science ouverte et la bibliodiversité
« Cet appel a été élaboré par un collectif français représentatif des chercheurs et des professionnels de l’édition scientifique regroupés notamment…11.10.2017
The 1st Open Science platform launched by Aarhus University, Denmark
« (…) The aim of the Open Science platform is to have university researchers and companies collaborate to create basic new…02.10.2017
Putting open science into practice: ZBW (Leibniz Information Centre for Economics research) data projects
« Research data is a crucial issue in open science. The ZBW is involved in its implementation in a range of…zbw-mediatalk.eu, Doreen Siegfried, Birgit Fingerle, 26 septembre 2017
To extend neighbouring right for press publishers to scholarly publications would be a disaster for open science [interview]
« On the occasion of the proposed EU Copyright reform, which is currently undergoing a process in the European Parliament, representatives…21.09.2017
RFSIC N° 11 – Libre accès aux publications et sciences ouvertes en débat
« Open access et Open science – Coordonné par Ghislaine Chartron et Joachim Schöpfel L’objectif de ce numéro de…21.09.2017
La communication scientifique directe vers un public élargi. L’actualité sociale traitée par des chercheurs dans les carnets de recherche Hypothèses
« Cette contribution entend questionner un type de médiation sociale qu’autorise la communication scientifique en régime d’accès ouvert, à savoir la…13.09.2017
LIBER Signs Open Letter To Halt Potentially Harmful Copyright Reform
« LIBER has signed an open letter directed at the EU’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI), in an attempt…31.08.2017
Providing researchers with the skills and competencies they need to practise Open Science
« Report of the Working Group on Education and Skills under Open Science. European Commission. Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Open…25.08.2017
Open science guides: How universities promote putting it into practice
« To foster the role of open science in scientific practice, some universities offer comprehensive information, guidelines and services besides confessing…16.08.2017
L’ouverture des brevets de la recherche, un tabou pour l’Open Science ?
« Le concept d’Open Science tend à prendre aujourd’hui de plus en plus d’importance, en devenant progressivement le…03.08.2017
Wikimedia Deutschland: Open Science Fellows Program (Video with English subtitles)
« The Open Science Fellows Program is an initiative from Wikimedia Deutschland, Stifterverband, and VolkswagenStiftung aimed at junior scientists who want…02.08.2017
Aarhus University and industry open patent-free playground
« Along with a number of leading Danish industrial companies, Aarhus University has opted out of the rat race in a…26.07.2017
Jisc futures: our ‘painfully slow’ progress towards the goal of open science
« Tony Hey charts the progress of the US and UK Open Science movement (…) Nobel laureate Ken Wilson called…26.07.2017
The open science cloud needs more data experts
« The European Commission plans to launch its open science cloud by 2020, but calls on universities to train more data…06.07.2017
EOSCpilot/OpenAIRE-DE joint workshop « Future Open Science services for scientific communities »
« The EOSCpilot project (http://eoscpilot.eu/) and OpenAIRE Germany (https://www.openaire.eu) are proud to announce their joint…28.06.2017
Towards Open Science: China’s Scientific Research and Libraries
« (…) Based on the situation of Chinese Open Science initiatives, this paper also explores current services of Chinese government, organizations…27.06.2017
Call for Suggestions and Contributions on Implementing the FAIR Data Principles: EC Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into Reality
« The European Commission has established an Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into Reality (E03464) which will…21.06.2017
Europe joins forces to create largest ever shared data repository for researchers
« World-leading research institutes have agreed to join forces with funding agencies and policymakers to create the European Open Science Cloud,…19.06.2017
New SPARC Europe Report provides analysis of Open Data and Open Science Policies in Europe
« Providing an analysis of Open Data and Open Science policies across Europe, today we are releasing a…13.06.2017
European Open Science Cloud Summit – 12 june 2017 – Brussels (en vidéo)
« (…) the summit wants to mark a clear milestone, and prove willingness to build the EOSC as an inclusive and…13.06.2017
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Electronic Publishing / 06-08 june 2017 – Cyprus
« (…) this edition of the conference focuses on Open Science, and the 27 research and practitioner papers and 1 poster…ebooks.iospress.nl, Leslie Chan, Fernando Loizides, ISBN : 978-1-61499-769-6, 2017, 2017
« Pour commencer, pourriez-vous définir ‘données de la recherche’ ? » Une tentative de réponse
« Les données de la recherche intriguent. Tout le monde en parle. Tout le monde est d’accord sur l’importance du sujet…01.06.2017
Germany and the Netherlands call for rapid action on the European Open Science Cloud
« (…) Research data should not be stored away on personal computers or USB-sticks, nor in research infrastructures only researchers themselves…23.05.2017
Europe’s future: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World
« Reflections of the Research, Innovation and Science Policy Experts High Level Group. Carlos Moedas (European Commissioner for Science, Research &…ec.europa.eu, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 2017
Citizen Science: Interview with Dr Katrin Vohland about advantages, barriers and development of citizen-oriented research
« In which cases does Citizen Science prove to be a profit in practice, where are the barriers, and what role…28.04.2017
Open Science Trends you need to know about
« One topic of great interest across academia is the evolution of researcher perceptions of open access publishing and data sharing.28.04.2017
What is open peer review? A systematic review
“(…) Open peer review” (OPR), despite being a major pillar of Open Science, has neither a standardized definition nor an…f1000research.com, Ross-Hellauer T, 27 avril 2017, doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11369.1
Shaping Open Access and creating transparency: Science Europe recommends disclosing Publication Fees
« Science Europe is committed to playing a role in accomplishing the transition to Open Access in an efficient and sustainable…25.04.2017
La Commission européenne aurait décidé de créer sa propre plate-forme de publication en OA
« Selon le magazine Science, lors d’une réunion restreinte de l’Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) qui s’est…21.04.2017
Public Goods Infrastructure for Preprints and Innovation in Scholarly Communication
« Judy Luther offered an insightful birds-eye view of the burgeoning preprints landscape at Scholarly Kitchen yesterday. As she…20.04.2017
Open Science: What, Why, and How
« Open Science is a collection of actions designed to make scientific processes more transparent and results more accessible. Its goal…osf.io, Barbara A. Spellman, Elizabeth A. Gilbert, Katherine S. Corker, 18 avril 2017
Monitoring Open Science Trends in Europe
« Background Open science refers to ongoing changes in the way research is conducted: for scientists themselves, through increasing the…04.04.2017
Austria & Opens Science – New Projects in 2017
« (…) Promoted by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) « Austrian Transition to Open Access – AT2OA » is…23.03.2017
Sustainability coalition for Open Science services established
« Recently, a significant step toward ensuring the sustainability of non-commercial open science services was taken with the launch of a…22.03.2017
Publication du Plan national néerlandais pour l’Open Science
« Le Pan national pour l’Open Science, publié en février 2017, prévoit que toutes les publications des organismes de recherche néerlandais…22.03.2017
Next-generation metrics: Responsible metrics and evaluation for open science
« The Expert Group on Altmetrics outlines in this report how to advance a next-generation metrics in the context of Open…20.03.2017