Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Andrés Guadamuz « Open Access to Biodiversity Scientific Data: A Comparative Study »

 » Proceedings of the 17th International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research ICABR Conference on Innovation and the Policy for the Bioeconomy

The field of biodiversity research gathers and crosses collections of environmental data, scientific data, geospatial data and cultural data. All of the available datasets have created a global information pool which can be used to develop further research and downstream bioeconomy innovations. Intellectual Property governance rules vary between proprietary assets and research commons. The largest datasets are collected, curated, mined, and shared at the national and international level by natural history museums and research institutions which are members of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), an international organization that aims to make available all known information on biodiversity, provide digitization, facilitate interoperability and retrieval of this data (…) « 

source >, 18 Juin 2013
