Diamond Open Access Conference, 19-20 September 2022. Zadar (Croatia) [Speakers’ presentations]
« This Diamond Open Access conference was the first hybrid event for the community of organisations and individuals who endorsed the Action Plan for Diamond OA. It followed two webinars in which members of this community could already meet and discuss online; these took place on 22 April and 7 July. The conference was co-organised by Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency (ANR). It was sponsored by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research in France (MESR).
The goal of the event was to further bring together the community, to provide insights and inspiration to operationalise the Action Plan based on existing good practices, with a vision to develop future common services.
It also introduced the Horizon Europe project ‘Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication’ (DIAMAS, 2022–2025). This project, launched on 1 September, has the objective to contribute to the development of a coherent, high-quality, and sustainable Open Access scholarly communication ecosystem. (…) »
source > scienceeurope.org , 27 octobre 2022