The Rhythms of Scholarly Publication: Suggestions to Enhance Bibliometric Comparisons Across Disciplines
« The need for research universities to understand expectations for scholarly publishing across a wide array of disciplines is vital to their self-understanding and to decision-making arising from that understanding. Administrators, staff, and faculty members serve on college-level executive committees, provost-level promotion and tenure committees, and committees that oversee campus-wide recognition of research excellence. They engage in processes that allocate research funding in response to competing proposals from several fields, or that authorize and oversee the development of cross-disciplinary programs. They develop strategic plans shaped by an awareness of the strengths, needs, opportunities, and vulnerabilities of units across the university. In these processes, they are called upon to assess the scholarly output of faculty in disciplines representing a wide variety of publication cultures. They see the vitas of faculty in many fields and career stages, and come to realize, for example, how different the CV of a chemist is from the CV of a historian. Over time, experienced administrators and faculty develop an intuitive understanding of these differences, but even that understanding can be strengthened and extended by data that reflect essential dimensions of discipline-based publication patterns. ‘…) »