EOSC National Structures: an overview of the national EOSC coordination and engagement mechanisms in Europe
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Partnership will bring together institutional, national and European initiatives and engage all relevant stakeholders to co-design and deploy a European Research Data Commons.
The Partnership will seek engagement with the Member States and Associated Countries on two levels: i) via a “Steering Board” external to the EOSC Association; ii) and via mandated national organisations members of the EOSC Association.
In addition to these official engagement mechanisms, a series of EOSC national structures have emerged in the last year with the goal of supporting the countries in organising the EOSC coordination and engagement activities at local level. (…)
This study, conducted by CSC – IT Center for Science in the context of the EOSCsecretariat.eu project has surveyed EOSC national structures in 24 EU Member States, 11 Associated Countries and Switzerland in 2021. (…) »