NISO Publishes Maintenance Revisions of Dublin Core and SUSHI Standards

 » The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of maintenance revisions of two widely used standards: The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012) and The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol (ANSI/NISO Z39.93-2013). Both standards were revised to make very minor updates. The Dublin Core standard defines fifteen metadata elements for resource description in a cross-disciplinary information environment and is used as the basis for most metadata standards in use today. The SUSHI Protocol defines an automated request and response model for the harvesting of electronic resource usage data and is required for conformance with the COUNTER Code of Practice (…) « 

source >, Nettie Lagace, 5 mars 2013
