Supporting the Interoperability of EOSC Through a Flexible Semantic Mapping Framework

« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative is based on the FAIR data principles, which are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Achieving Interoperability is crucial, but there is no single way to achieve universal interoperability between different sets of data and/or tools. One solution would be a semantic mapping framework, which is simple to use, and enables the creation, sharing, and re-use of these semantic bridges. Most research communities are working on developing different kinds of relevant ontologies as well as making them sharable. However many researchers need an easily operated framework to create and employ different semantic mappings, driven by pragmatic decisions relevant for the specific research task at hand. This is even more important when working across disciplines, combining different semantics domains. EOSC will need to offer researchers various tools for creating these semantic cross-walks. (…) »

source >, Zachary Smith, 6 novembre 2020
