Roadblocks to Better Open Access Models

« The Scholarly Kitchen will be making an appearance at this year’s Frankfurt Bookfair. On Wednesday, October 16, we will host a panel discussion (and a free breakfast!) beginning at 8:45 AM in Hall 4.2 at the Academic & Business Information Stage. At last year’s Bookfair, we discussed “The Great Acceleration”, and how the pace of change in scholarly communications was increasing. This year, we’re looking at the results of that rapid pace – what has changed and what is reaching a tipping point toward change.
As a preview of the session, my thoughts will be about a threshold I think the community has reached, largely due to the remarkable success of Plan S, the attempt to accelerate the transition of scholarly publishing to open access (OA). (…) »

source >, David Crotty, 9 octobre 2019
