Allemagne : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) is a member of DuraSpace
« By becoming a member, TIB supports further development of current research information system VIVO.
(…) “Without a lively community with good framework conditions, open source software is unable to develop. As a member, TIB would like to support this excellent community work and give VIVO a secure future,” stated Dr. Irina Sens, Interim Director of TIB. As a current research information system (CRIS), the open source software VIVO maps a research institution’s research activities – for example, publications, lectures, involvement in externally funded projects, and cooperative activities. In addition, researchers can present their interconnected profiles and research results on the internet in VIVO. VIVO is the most important open source alternative in the area of CRIS. (…) »
source > tib.eu, 17 mai 2017