RISING TO THE CHALLENGE. Re-Envisioning Public Libraries. A report of the Aspen Institute Dialogue on Public Libraries by Amy K. Garmer (.pdf)

« … The Dialogue and, ultimately, this report explore the essential role of public libraries in a networked world and begin to re-envision the 21st century library in a hyper-connected environment and dramatically changing world. The report is intended to raise the profile of public libraries to the center of the knowledge society, highlight the opportunities and possibilities, increase support for an expanded library role in a networked world and spark a national conversation and action to re-envision the 21st century library as a center of learning, innovation and creativity. While the report’s focus is on public libraries, we acknowledge the importance of school and research libraries in the broader conversations around the future of libraries and communities (…) »

source > csreports.aspeninstitute.org, octobre 2014
