Mot-clé : royaume-uni
Jisc is launching three new library services on 31 July 2019
« (…) Neil Grindley, head of resource discovery at Jisc, said: “We are delighted to introduce…30.07.2019
RHS Working Paper – Plan S and the Hybrid History Journal Landscape (July 2019)
« The RHS has released (29 July 2019) an interim working paper offering a preliminary mapping of current preparedness for Plan…30.07.2019
Can I write an article or book based on my open access thesis?
« This is an interesting question and one that early career researchers commonly ask. You’ve worked long and hard on your…25.07.2019
A commentary by the British Academy on cOAlition S’s final version of Plan S
« At the end of May 2019 cOAlition S issued a second, final version of Plan S, together with guidelines for…24.07.2019
Roles and jobs in the open research scholarly communications environment: analysing job descriptions to predict future trends
« During the past two-decades academic libraries updated current staff job responsibilities or created brand new roles. This allowed them to…12.07.2019
Cambridge University signs San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
« The University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Press announced on 8 July 2019 that they have signed up to the…01.07.2019
Open Research – Exchange of Experience (University of Manchester)
« On Tuesday 13 June Brenda and Nick from the research data team attended a NoWAL event…28.06.2019
UKRI signs San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment
« UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has signed an international declaration aimed at strengthening and promoting best practice in the way…26.06.2019
ORCID UK consortium at Open Repositories 2019
« The Jisc UK ORCID Support Team was represented by Balviar Notay and Monica Duke at the Open Repositories 2019 conference…18.06.2019
A guide to using artificial intelligence in the public sector
« (…) The Government Digital Service (GDS) and the Office for Artificial Intelligence (OAI) have published joint guidance on how to…17.06.2019
Research England awards £2.2m to project to improve and increase open access publishing
« A new Research England funded project is set to help universities, researchers, libraries and publishers to make more, and better,…26.04.2019
Jisc and Springer Nature renew transformational deal securing open access for UK higher education
« Jisc and academic publisher Springer Nature have agreed a further ‘read and publish’ agreement that meets…09.04.2019
Gigantum and Ripeta Join the Digital Science Family
« We are proud to welcome two US-based startups to the Digital Science family of companies: automated reproducibility assessment tool,…04.04.2019
How safe is your data? Cyber-security in higher education
« In this new Policy Note, Dr John Chapman, Head of Jisc’s Security Operations Centre, reports on the cyber-security risks facing…hepi.ac.uk, Dr John Chapman, HEPI number Policy note 12, 4 avril 2019
UUK open access monographs group: open access and monographs
« This report is a synthesis of two events: the first was an event for arts and humanities learned societies and…26.02.2019
AMRC Open Research – The new publishing platform for charity funded research
« The wait is over! We are excited to announce that 24 members of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC)…amrc.org.uk, Jocelyn LeBlanc ,Philip Dooner, 19 février 2019
Collaboration key for advancing open research: repository progress for Jisc and the British Library
« Jisc and the British Library share an interest in the persistence and open access of the UK research record, and…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neil Jacobs, 5 février 2019
UKRI welcomes publication of open research reports
« UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) welcomes the publication of two independent reports on open research, commissioned by government and published…06.02.2019
2014 copyright changes: post-implementation reviews Call for Evidence
« Following the implementation of policy, the Government aims to complete a post-implementation review (PIR). These reviews evaluate whether the regulation…04.02.2019
Helping learned societies transition to Open Access and explore Plan S-compliant business models
« Wellcome, in partnership with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), have…21.01.2019
Cambridge University Press launches new model for scholarly publishing
« Cambridge University Press has launched a new publishing model to provide an outlet for world-class research and writing that sits…27.11.2018
Jisc and Elsevier collaborate on open access compliance
« Jisc and Elsevier have signed an agreement setting out how they will work together to support institutions to comply with…06.11.2018
Wellcome and Gates join bold European open-access plan
« Two of the world’s largest biomedical research funders have backed a plan to make all papers resulting from work they…05.11.2018
Wellcome Trust is updating its open access policy
« Following a six-month review, we’re updating our open access (OA) policy. The changes will apply from 1 January 2020. Robert…30.10.2018
The Turing publishes new landscaping report on data science, AI and futures of work
« Today the Turing publishes a landscaping report: ‘Data science, artificial intelligence and the futures of work’ by…30.10.2018
General Data Protection Regulation guidance for researchers
« UK Research and Innovation has provided some guidance on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for researchers of all disciplines. The…24.10.2018
Considering the implications of the Finch Report (.pdf)
« It is now six years since the publication of the Report of the Working Group on Expanding Access to Published…repository.jisc.ac.uk, Liam Earney, Open access briefing paper, 22 octobre 2018
Fixing the UK repository landscape
« This paper outlines the current state of the organisational, cultural and technical landscape related to OA repositories in the UK,…23.10.2018
Mapping the Future of Research Assessment at Imperial College London – 21 Sep 2018 [video]
« Imperial College has signed the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). What does that mean for academic career progression and for…23.10.2018
Cambridge Open Access spend 2013-2018
« Since 2013, the Open Access Team has been helping Cambridge researchers, funded by Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the consortium…unlockingresearch-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Dr Arthur Smith, 22 octobre 2018
UK Data Service Portal is 500th eResource in eDesiderata
« CRL’s eDesiderata platform recently surpassed 500 electronic resource entries, all accessible to members to support informed decisions on electronic resources.08.10.2018
Jisc scholarly communications Issue 10: October 2018 – Open access update (.pdf)
« Welcome to the October issue This issue is released to the echoes of the announcement of « Plan S » from…repository.jisc.ac.uk, Jisc scholarly communications, Issue10: octobre 2018
New UKRI system needs community input on Horizon 2020 grants
« (…) Science Minister Sam Gyimah said: « It is imperative that we support our world-class researchers, businesses and scientists to…12.09.2018
Jisc gateway to text and data-mining – status update
« Over the past few months, we have been investigating the opportunities for a possible Jisc-delivered text and data mining (TDM)…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Sarah Fahmy, 11 septembre 2018
UKRI contributes to new Google search tool
« Experts from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) have contributed to a new Google search tool to help scientists, policy makers…05.09.2018
UK Research and Innovation joins Europe-wide ambition on open access
« Today, Tuesday 04 September 2018, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), joined funders from across Europe to launch cOAlition S, a…13.08.2018
Wellcome: How we judge research outputs when making funding decisions
« Robert Kiley, Head of Open Research, and Jim Smith, Director of Science, discuss the steps Wellcome is taking to…08.08.2018
Open science, research indicators and reproducibility
« There’s been a flurry of reports and announcements on open science over the last few weeks. (…) At July’s Coalition…06.08.2018
Resources from OA summer series community events [diaporamas]
« The presentations from our four OA summer series events this month in London, Glasgow, Manchester and Bristol are below:…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Helen Blanchett, 1 août 2018
Open science is all very well but how do you make it FAIR in practice?
« (…) For research to be truly “open” both the findings and the data behind these results need to findable, accessible,…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Rachel Bruce, Bas Cordewener, 26 juillet 2018
arXiv and REF – together at last?
« New draft REF2021 guidance was released for consultation on Monday morning. Buried half-way through this daunting 139…unlockingresearch-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Dr Arthur Smith, 25 juillet 2018
Universities UK Open Access Coordination Group: recommendations and guidelines for best practice
« The Universities UK Open Access Coordination Group (OACG) works to ensure that activities…19.07.2018
Do altmetrics assess societal impact in the same way as case studies? An empirical analysis testing the convergent validity of altmetrics based on data from the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF)
« Altmetrics have been proposed as a way to assess the societal impact of research. Although altmetrics are already in use…arxiv.org, Lutz Bornmann, Robin Haunschild, Jonathan Adams, 11 juillet 2018, arXiv:1807.03977v1
UK Progress towards the use of metrics responsibly – Three years on from The Metric Tide report [.pdf]
« Over the last five years the use, and abuse, of metrics in research assessment has been in sharp focus, with…17.07.2018
UK research integrity – how to maintain the UK’s reputation for high standards
« The publication of the Commons Science and Technology Committee’s (STC)…16.07.2018
The UK Scholarly Communication Licence: Attempting to Cut through the Gordian Knot of the Complexities of Funder Mandates, Publisher Embargoes and Researcher Caution in Achieving Open Access
« Whilst take-up of open access (OA) in the UK is growing rapidly due partly to a number of funder mandates,…03.07.2018
British Library to develop shared open access repository services
« The British Library, working with a group of cultural and memory organisations, is piloting a shared repository service for research…15.06.2018
Over 80% of research outputs meet requirements of REF 2021 open access policy
« Sixty one per cent of research outputs known to be in scope for the REF 2021 are meeting open access…11.06.2018
What do we do with your article processing charge data?
« Every year, Jisc asks UK HEIs to provide details of the individual article processing charges (APC) transactions they’ve made throughout…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 6 juin 2018
LSE launches open access publishing platform
« LSE has unveiled a new open access publishing platform in partnership with Ubiquity Press. ‘LSE Press’, managed through the LSE…17.05.2018
Springer Nature charts rapid growth in open access articles by UK authors
« A new report outlines how Springer Nature has been able to deliver rapid growth in gold open access (OA) articles…25.04.2018
National licence negotiations advancing the open access transition – a view from the UK
« (…) This article will provide a status update on OA negotiations in the UK in the context of the UK’s…insights.uksg.org, Earney, L. (2018), Insights, 31, 11. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.412
Bad habits and best practices – a survey on RDM among early career researchers
« One of the Jisc Research Data Champions, who is also a Research Data Champion at the University of Cambridge, Annemarie…23.03.2018
American Chemical Society partners with leading Societies to support ChemRxiv™
« The American Chemical Society (ACS) today announced its partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry and the German Chemical Society…21.03.2018
University of Huddersfield Press Becomes First to Use Hosted Janeway Service for Journals
« The Open Library of Humanities, Birkbeck’s Centre for Technology and Publishing, and the University of Huddersfield Press have entered into…07.03.2018
The UK position paper on the Ninth EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9)
« This document sets out the UK government’s reflections on the Ninth EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9). (…) »…06.03.2018
Wellcome is going to review its open access policy
« We’re going to do the first full review of our open access policy. Robert Kiley, Head of Open Research, explains…20.02.2018
Creative Nation – How the creative industries are powering the UK’s nations and regions
« Creative Nation uses official, open and web data to map the creative industries in the UK, their evolution, contribution to…19.02.2018
Re-envisioning scholarly publishing: new university presses and academic-led publishing in the UK [diaporama]
« The 2017 report, Changing publishing ecologies: A landscape study of new university presses & academic-led publishing, shows a discernible increase…14.02.2018
80 University Libraries in UK, Ireland “Reject Taylor & Francis Opportunistic Change of Contract”
« Over eighty university libraries have signed an open letter to Taylor & Francis rejecting their new policy of locking content…09.02.2018
Research Councils UK sign up to Responsible Research Metrics Declaration
« The UK Research Councils have today (Wednesday 7th February) published a statement on the responsible use of metrics and signed…07.02.2018