Mot-clé : royaume-uni
In Conversation with the Wellcome Trust – sharing & managing research outputs
« In July 2017, the Wellcome Trust updated their policy on the management and sharing of research outputs. This policy helps…29.01.2018
Communiqué de presse : Les trois Académies des sciences du Royaume-Uni, de l’Allemagne et de la France recommandent dans une déclaration commune de consolider les collaborations scientifiques et de recherche entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe
« À un moment où la nature exacte et l’organisation des relations futures entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Union européenne sont encore…23.01.2018
Adoption of open access is rising – but so too are its costs
« Options available to authors to make their work open access are on the rise. Adoption of open access itself is…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Stephen Pinfield, Rob Johnson, 22 janvier 2018
UCL launches open access megajournal to help solve the world’s biggest challenges
« UCL Press is launching a new open access megajournal that will provide academics and students with ground-breaking research free of…19.12.2017
Workshop report: Identifiers for UK theses
« Along with the Universities of Southampton and London South Bank, EThOS and…08.12.2017
More than half of UK-authored research articles are made accessible for public view within 12 months, new Universities UK report shows
« A report commissioned by Universities UK (UUK) and conducted by UUK’s Open Access Coordination Group, including…14.11.2017
Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK (.pdf)
« This independent review, carried out by Professor Dame Wendy Hall and Jérôme Pesenti reports on how the Artificial Intelligence industry…10.11.2017
Cost estimates of an open access mandate for monographs in the UK’s third Research Excellence Framework
« The recent ‘Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework’ (REF) in the UK contains an annex that signals the extension…insights.uksg.org, Eve, M.P. et al., 2017, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.392
Open in order to…discover buried connections: Text and Data Mining
“By « open access” to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read,…24.10.2017
Vous pouvez désormais lire gratuitement la thèse de Stephen Hawking sur l’expansion de l’univers
« Le physicien Stephen Hawking a décidé de rendre sa thèse accessible à tous, en donnant son accord pour l’intégrer dans…20.10.2017
NaCTeM involved in research partnership with the BBC to unlock the potential of data in the media
« BBC Research and Development has launched a five-year research partnership with eight UK Universities, including the University of Manchester, to…20.10.2017
British Library On Demand service extends to ‘least developed’ countries
« The On Demand document supply service provided by the British Library to non-commercial UK institutions has been…16.10.2017
University of Cambridge: LibGuide: Text & Data Mining (TDM)
« The aim of this guide is to make a start towards exposing the breadth of content (mostly library-subscribed) that may…13.10.2017
JISC: The push and pull towards new models of publishing
« Within the world of publishing, we are seeing some new trends emerge. Born from a desire to change the current…19.09.2017
Reflections on the (UK) Open Access Repository Landscape
« (…) The first observation on the UK repository landscape has to be how rich it is. It is hard to…01.09.2017
A practical view on text data mining from ContentMine
« We at ContentMine are a non-profit NGO from Cambridge UK, who are practitioners on the forefront of text data mining…30.08.2017
British Library to investigate possibility of a ‘single digital presence’ for UK public libraries
« The British Library is to lead an 18-month scoping project to establish the demand for and possible shape of a…28.08.2017
Announcing the new British Library Research Data Strategy
« With the support of a Research Data Strategy since 2010, the Library has been active in services for research data…25.08.2017
Le “Research Data Shared Service” du Jisc intègre une solution de préservation à long terme
« Le JISC (Joint Information Systems Committe – UK ) construit un data pilot pour un service de données…24.08.2017
JISC : Article processing charges in 2016
« Each year since 2013, Jisc Collections has asked UK institutions to submit data on their article processing charges (APCs). Last…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 23 août 2017
NaCTeM talk at University of Cambridge mentioned in blog
« John McNaught, deputy director of NaCTeM, gave a talk at the Text and Data Mining Symposium at…17.08.2017
U. of Cambridge Office of Scholarly Communication Blog: Next steps for Text & Data Mining
« Sometimes the best way to find a solution is to just get the different stakeholders talking to each other –…unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Danny Kingsley, 17 août 2017
UK data protection laws to be overhauled
« Britons could obtain more control over what happens to personal information under proposals outlined by the government. (…) The proposals…07.08.2017
Birkbeck Centre for Technology and Publishing releases scholarly communications platform, “Janeway”
« Birkbeck’s Centre for Technology and Publishing is pleased to announce the open-source release of its software for academic publishing. “…26.07.2017
Jisc futures: our ‘painfully slow’ progress towards the goal of open science
« Tony Hey charts the progress of the US and UK Open Science movement (…) Nobel laureate Ken Wilson called…26.07.2017
The Academic Book of the Future: A New BOOC From UCL Press
« This dynamic, innovative, evolving and open platform publishes contributions connected to the AHRC/British Library project, The Academic Book of the…26.07.2017
International and EU students in higher education in the UK FAQs
« This House of Commons briefing paper answers some frequently asked questions about international and EU students in the UK. It…researchbriefings.parliament.uk, Susan Hubble, Paul Bolton, 24 juillet 2017
The Rise of New University Presses and Academic-Led Presses in the UK
« Our new report: Changing publishing ecologies: A landscape study of new university presses and academic-led publishin…scholarlyfutures.jiscinvolve.org, Verena Weigert, 6 juillet 2017
UK Research and Innovation launches interim website
« An interim website has been launched today by UK Research & Innovation – www.ukri.org. The site…24.07.2017
British Library Annual Report and Accounts 2016 to 2017 (.pdf)
« (…) The British Library’s six purposes define everything that we do and explain the enduring ways in which the funding…20.07.2017
Jisc: Next Generation Research Environments – recommendations and next steps
(…) This post is an update on the Next Generation Research Environments’ discovery phase. The general message that came across,…researchdata.jiscinvolve.org, Christopher Brown, 19 juillet 2017
Royal Society Open Science: Building a sustainable open science journal
« Since its launch in 2014, our newest journal, Royal Society Open Science, has operated a full waiver…06.07.2017
The role of Research Libraries in the creation, archiving, curation, and preservation of tools for the Digital Humanities (.pdf)
« The purpose of this report is to present and discuss the results of the ‘Research Libraries and Digital Humanities Tools’…04.07.2017
Research Data Infrastructures in the UK (.pdf)
« (…) This report is intended to inform the work of the Open Research Data Task Force, which…29.06.2017
Coopération franco-britannique : maintenir les relations universitaires, renforcer la mobilité et les partenariats de recherche
« La Conférence des présidents d’université et son homologue britannique (UUK) ont signé le 20 juin dernier, dans les locaux de…22.06.2017
The Academic Book of the Future
« Two major new reports published demonstrate that the future of the academic book is at a major crossroad. With the…14.06.2017
On the right track(s) – DCC release draws nigh
« (…) The first major difference users will notice is that the tool is now lightning quick. This is thanks to…24.04.2017
What are the possibilities for an Open Access Dashboard?
« We’re excited to announce a new project, which will test the feasibility of developing an Open Access Dashboard that would…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 19 avril 2017
« Become part of the research process” – observations from RLUK2017
« When is a librarian not a librarian? Rather than a bad joke, this was one of the underlying interesting discussions arising from…unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Danny Kingsley, 30 mars 2017
CLIR and Jisc announce partnership to enhance digital services for libraries and research
« The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Jisc today announced a partnership to advance programs of mutual interest…03.04.2017
F1000 announces partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
« F1000, a provider of a suite of services to support researchers, institutions and funders, has announced a partnership with the…15.03.2017
Repères RSTI – Une nouvelle stratégie numérique britannique
« En complément avec le livre vert sur la stratégie industrielle annoncée en début d’année, la UK…15.03.2017
ProQuest joins Jisc’s Digital Archival Collections Group Purchasing Pilot
« ProQuest is working with Jisc to enable UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to build strong, user-centered research collections that…13.03.2017
What researchers told us about their experiences and expectations of scholarly communications ecosystems
« Publishers, vendors and librarians often discuss the needs of the researcher. However, it is not often that information professionals have…09.03.2017
UK University policy approaches towards the copyright ownership of scholarly works and the future of open access
« Considers how the open access policy environment has developed since the RoMEO (Rights Metadata for Open Archiving) Project’s call in…28.02.2017
Royaume-Uni : CLA and Reprints Desk partner to streamline document supply
« CLA’s Check Permissions search tool gives users a quick, simple solution to finding out whether a title is covered under…24.02.2017
Royaume-Uni : le prêt d’ebook en bibliothèque est assimilé au livre papier
« Le prêt de livres numériques fait débat en France, alors qu’un certain apaisement s’installe outre-Manche. Le gouvernement britannique a décidé…23.02.2017
Royaume-Uni : Jo Johnson demands tough penalties on student plagiarism
« Universities Minister Jo Johnson is today (Tuesday 21 February) calling on university and student bodies to do more to deal…gov.uk, Department for Education, Johnson MP, 21 février 2017
Royaume-Uni : Metadata: the key to collaboration and a national bibliographic knowledgebase
« (…) Why do we need the NBK now? UK libraries are currently experiencing a ‘perfect storm’ in which user expectations…10.02.2017
ProQuest Explores Obstacles and Opportunities in Managing Book Collections
« ProQuest’s latest whitepaper “Obstacles and Opportunities: Ebooks, Print and the Impact of Choice on Libraries and the Users They Serve”…06.02.2017
UK research funding pre- and post-Brexit: first observations
« Seven months after the United Kingdom voters expressed their will to leave the European Single Market and almost one year…03.02.2017
New UK-wide service will transform library collaboration: The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase
« As part of delivering on the vision of a UK national digital library, Jisc and OCLC announce a partnership to…27.01.2017
Royaume-Uni, Université de Loughborough : Using bibliometrics responsibly
« Loughborough University is proud of its achievements in research to date and has ambitious plans for the future in line…11.01.2017
1000s of historic Shakespeare illustrations are now free to download and use
« One Cardiff University student’s PhD project is offering artists access to thousands of digital versions of historical Shakespeare illustrations – allowing…15.12.2016
Déclaration sur les publications scientifiques par trois académies nationales – Académie des sciences, Leopoldina et Royal Society
« Les présidents des académies des sciences de France, d’Allemagne et de Grande-Bretagne ont remis officiellement à monsieur Carlos…15.12.2016
L’ADBU publie une étude comparative inédite d’impact de la fouille de textes (TDM) sur la compétitivité de la recherche en France et en Grande Bretagne
« L’ADBU publie, avec le soutien du Ministère de l’Education Nationale de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche…15.12.2016
Jisc scholarly communications: Shaping our open access support services
« Two ways in which we have supported institutions in meeting the challenges of implementing open access over the…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Helen Blanchett, 12 décembre 2016
La révolution de la donnée au Royaume-Uni
« (…) Il y a tout juste 25 ans, le 23 août 1991, l’ingénieur britannique Sir Tim Berners-Lee ouvrait…09.12.2016
Libraries Deliver: Ambition for Public Libraries in England 2016 to 2021
« Libraries Deliver: Ambition sets out the government’s and Taskforce’s vision for, and commitment to, public libraries in England…01.12.2016
Jisc Collections and Elsevier agreement: questions and answers
« On behalf of UK institutions, Jisc Collections has signed an agreement with Elsevier, covering access…25.11.2016
Royaume-Uni : Open access from start to finish
« A new website for the NIHR Journals Library launched today. By incorporating project information into the existing…16.11.2016