Mot-clé : royaume-uni
Jisc Collections and Elsevier Sign Landmark UK Agreement, Securing Access to Research Publications and Initiating Open Science Collaboration
« The UK’s research institutions and the world-leading provider of science, technology and medical information products and services signed…28.10.2016
British Library Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16
« (…) 2015/16 was the first full year in which we were guided by the strategic vision articulated in Living Knowledge:…27.10.2016
Offsetting models: update on the Springer Compact deal
« In a recent blog post, Jisc Collections reported how the Springer Compact agreement was progressing in…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Mafalda Picarra, 24 octobre 2016
Jisc Open Access Digest for OA Week
« We are pleased to announce that the third Open Access Direct is now available on Jisc’s…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Frank Manista, 24 octobre 2016
Report on offset agreements: evaluating current Jisc Collections deals. Year 1 – evaluating 2015 deals
« This report is a comparative study of the different offset agreements that Jisc Collections has negotiated to date on behalf…17.10.2016
In the context of Open Access policies in the UK, what is a “repository”?
« Repositories are an established part of the research communication process and there are many policies which now have…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Bill Hubbard, 14 octobre 2016
University of Cambridge: Futurelib
« Snapshot. A cultural probe study exploring the research and information behaviour of postdocs and PhD students at the University of…futurelib.files, Andy Priestner, David Marshall, septembre 2016
Multi-lingual publishing at Open Library of Humanities – launch of the French site
« We are delighted to announce the launch of the first of our planned multi-lingual sites of the…21.09.2016
Kudos announces new Jisc agreement and new institutional pricing
« Kudos (www.growkudos.com), the award-winning service for maximizing the reach and impact of research publications, is pleased to announce…20.09.2016
To boldly go… the librarian’s role in text and data mining
« The relatively new exception to copyright law that we enjoy in the UK, permitting text and data mining…cilip.org.uk, Jane Secker, Chris Morrison, Neil Stewart, Laurence Horton, 19 septembre 2016
How the British Library is using SEO to become a digital media publisher
« The British Library is becoming a modern news publisher. Its expertise in the field of journalism is immense. The home…20.09.2016
Cambridge University spend on Open Access 2009-2016
« Today is the deadline for those universities in receipt of an RCUK grant to submit their reports on…19.09.2016
Royaume-Uni : New Forum for Responsible Research Metrics launched
« A group of research funders, sector bodies and infrastructure experts are working in partnership to promote the responsible…14.09.2016
Making data discoverable with figshare
« Stuart Taylor, Publishing Director at the Royal Society, outlines why open data is an important part of scholarly…14.09.2016
Royaume-Uni : Dossier : L’université dans le développement économique local
« Le rôle de l’université dans la croissance économique du Royaume-Uni a été étudié en détail et n’est plus…12.09.2016
Jisc supports Wellcome’s OA requirements for publishers
« Wellcome this week has published a set of requirements for open access publications, which will come into force…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Hannah DeGroff, 9 septembre 2016
The Open Library of Humanities: Year One
« September 2016 marks the first year anniversary of the launch of the Open Library of Humanities.09.09.2016
Cambridge University Press Launches Cambridge Core
« Cambridge Core, the new academic platform from Cambridge University Press has now launched, bringing together all CUP academic…07.09.2016
Royaume-Uni : Wellcome Trust: Publisher requirements
« Publishers who wish to provide open access publishing services based on APCs for Wellcome grantholders must commit to providing a…02.09.2016
Identifiers for PhD theses and research students: How can we make it happen?
« By their very nature PhD theses break new ground and advance research. They are often the first scholarly…researchopen.lsbu.ac.uk, Grace, S, Gould, S, Kotarski, R, Whitton, M, août 2016
Liberating Data: How libraries and librarians can help researchers with text and data mining.
« (…) This post examines the ways in which libraries and librarians can facilitate the work of researchers who…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Neil Stewart, Jane Secker, Chris Morrison, Laurence Horton, 12 juillet 2016
Rapport de la task force franco-britannique : bâtir une économie de la donnée
« Axelle Lemaire, secrétaire d’Etat au numérique, a reçu à Londres les conclusions de la task force franco-britannique sur…24.08.2016
Conclusions du rapport Stern sur l’évaluation de la recherche britannique
« Jo Johnson, secrétaire d’état à la science et aux universités, a commandité en novembre 2015 une étude indépendante…21.07.2016
Brexit: implications for OA in the UK, and Jisc’s work in this area
« This post outlines some potential new issues arising for OA in the UK, and Jisc’s work in this area, arising…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neil Jacobs, 8 juillet 2016
Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2016 – St Hugh’s College 4 – 8 July 2016
« The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School is the University of Oxford’s annual training event for the Digital…21.07.2016
The Protolib Project at the University of Cambridge, Part 1
« Cambridge University Library has released a wonderful report about the Protolib Project, an effort, its title…21.07.2016
U.K. research charity will self-publish results from its grantees
« Starting sometime this fall, the Wellcome Trust, the charity in London that has become one of the biggest…20.07.2016
British Library: International Non-Commercial Document Supply Service to be withdrawn
« The International Non-Commercial Document Supply (INCD) Service will be withdrawn from 1 July 2016. Since the overseas Library Privilege service…20.07.2016
Two-thirds of UK academics back open access, survey finds
« Nearly two-thirds of UK researchers support the abolition of journal subscription fees and a move to open access,…29.06.2016
Jisc report: Article processing charges (APCs) and subscriptions
« (…)The first half of this report looks at article processing charges and subscription payments from UK higher education…28.06.2016
British Library Labs Competition 2016
« The annual Competition looks for transformative project ideas which use the British Library’s…27.06.2016
A ‘gold-centric’ implementation of open access: Hybrid journals, the ‘total cost of publication’ and policy development in the UK and beyond
« This paper reports analysis of data from higher education institutions in the UK on their experience of the…eprints.whiterose.ac.uk, Pinfield, S, Salter, J ,Bath, P, 24 May 2016
BREXIT : Solidarité et sympathie de la CPU envers les universités britanniques
« Suite au vote des britanniques pour le Brexit, la CPU exprime sa solidarité et sa sympathie envers les…23.06.2016
Spacefinder: helping Cambridge University students find study spaces which match their needs
« Last year, ethnographic research into the experience and behaviour of students at Cambridge University led the…22.06.2016
Twittering About Research: A Case Study of the World’s First Twitter Poster Competition
« The Royal Society of Chemistry held, to our knowledge, the world’s first Twitter conference at 9am on…20.06.2016
What if…public libraries could anchor a platform cooperative?
« We recently published our submission to the Libraries Taskforce consultation about its draft strategy – Libraries…20.06.2016
Royal Society: Impact on UK research must be considered in the EU debate
« A referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union (EU) will take place on 23 June…13.06.2016
Jisc and international OA infrastructure
« The poster gives three views of how Jisc is contributing to, and building on, international infrastructure for OA.scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neils Jacob, 10 juin 2016
Royaume-Uni : Research Councils publish Delivery Plans for 2016-2020
« The UK Research Councils have published their Delivery Plans for the period 2016-2020. The plans outline…03.06.2016
Strength in Numbers: The Research Libraries UK (RLUK) Collective Collection
« Research libraries are exploring opportunities to cooperatively address areas of mutual need, including collection management and the long-term…oclc.org/research/publications, Constance Malpas, Brian Lavoie, 2016
World Wide Web Consortium selects Web Science Institute at the University of Southampton to host UK & Ireland Office
« The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is pleased to announce that the Web…02.06.2016
L’Université de Leeds et Open University offrent les premiers MOOCs certifiants britanniques
« L’Université de Leeds et l’Open University offrent pour la première fois au Royaume-Uni des MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) certifiants…31.05.2016
Londres : la fermeture de deux bibliothèques coûte trois fois leur ouverture
« À cause de coupes budgétaires, le Lambeth Council avait décidé en mars de la fermeture de deux…31.05.2016
Repères RSTI – Royaume-Uni : Fusion des activités de financement de la recherche et de l’innovation dans un même organisme
« Dans le but de faciliter le financement des études transversales liées à la recherche et à l’innovation et…19.05.2016
Royaume Uni : State of the Relationship 2016 – National Centre for Universities and Business
« Our flagship report, State of the Relationship has launched, showing the amazing results of university-business collaboration. (…) »18.05.2016
Vers des diplômes décernés par Google ou Facebook en Grande-Bretagne ?
« Jo Johnson, le Secrétaire d’Etat aux Universités et aux Sciences, vient de dévoiler un rapport pour guider les…18.05.2016
The Open University Trends in Learning 2016 report identifies seven key trends to watch out for
« (…) The report identifies seven key learning trends (listed below) and explores their implications for workplace L&D, in…29.04.2016
British Library – Discovering Literature: Shakespeare
« A rich celebration of our cultural heritage, Discovering Literature is a free online learning resource that provides unprecedented access to…12.04.2016
Opening the Black Box of Scholarly Communication Funding: A Public Data Infrastructure for Financial Flows
« Public access to publicly funded research’ has been one of the rallying calls of the global open access…http://doi.org/10.16995/olh.72, Stuart Lawson , Jonathan Gray, Michele Mauri, 11 avril 2016
Open Access and Academic Journal Markets: a Manchester View
« In February, a thought piece was issued jointly by Jisc, RLUK,…blog.research-plus.library.manchester, Simon Bains, Helen Dobson, 23 mars 2016
Royaume-Uni : Wellcome criticises publishers over open access
« The Wellcome Trust has warned big publishers than unless they improve their service and lower their costs it…https://www.timeshighereducation.com, David Matthews, 24 mars 2016
Royaume-Uni : New service launches to clarify journal compliance with REF
« We are pleased to announce the availability of SHERPA REF. SHERPA REF…15.03.2016
UK universities benefit from European and global collaboration
« (…) The report published by Digital Science with Universities UK and the UK Higher Education International Unit explores…08.03.2016
Royaume-Uni : Copyright for Knowledge: Priorities for European Union Copyright reform
« This paper summarises Copyright for Knowledge’s main priorities for the propose reforms to EU copyright law, and illustrates these with…08.03.2016
Les auteurs britanniques préparent une législation pour protéger leurs droits
« Depuis le début de l’année, la Society of Authors, organe représentatif des auteurs au Royaume-Uni, attire l’attention des…07.03.2016
Is CC-BY really a problem or are we boxing shadows?
» Comments from researchers and colleagues have indicated some disquiet about the Creative Commons (CC-BY) licence in some…https://unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Danny Kingsley, 3 mars 2016
Hugh, le premier robot bibliothécaire, prendra son poste à la rentrée
« Ce que l’on ne sait pas, c’est si Hugh est voué un jour à remplacer les « vrais » bibliothécaires de la…23.02.2016
Une nouvelle technologie pour stocker toute l’histoire de l’humanité pendant des milliards d’années
« Des scientifiques ont fait un grand pas en avant dans le développement du stockage de données numériques. Un stockage…23.02.2016
Ex Libris and Copyright Licensing Agency come together to streamline higher education workflows
« The collaboration will enable students in the UK to obtain copyright-cleared digitised content quickly and easily. (…) »18.02.2016
Tech Nation 2016 : le secteur du numérique occupe une place toujours plus importante dans l’économie britannique
« Tech Nation, complexe exercice d’analyse de l’écosystème numérique britannique piloté par l’agence publique Tech City UK et (nouveauté…12.02.2016
Open access to research: independent advice
« This report sets out advice by Professor Adam Tickell, Chair of the UK Open Access Co-ordination Group, on…https://www.gov.uk/government/publications, Adam Tickell, 11 février 2016.