CODATA publishes the Beijing Declaration on Research Data
« (…) The Beijing Declaration is intended as a timely statement of core principles to encourage global cooperation, especially for public…12.11.2019
Allen Institute’s Semantic Scholar now searches across 175 million academic papers
« Some studies suggest that the number of scientific papers published in English each year exceeds 3…12.11.2019
Proper Attribution for Curation and Maintenance of Research Collections: Metadata Recommendations of the RDA/TDWG Working Group
« Research collections are an important tool for understanding the Earth, its systems, and human interaction. Despite the importance of collections,…08.11.2019
Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook
« (…) Engaging Researchers with Data Management is an invaluable collection of 24 case studies, drawn from institutions across the globe,…08.11.2019
What we’ve learned from the evaluation of the 2016-2018 Springer Compact agreement
« As we come towards the end of the first year of our second read and publish agreement for the Springer…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Lindsay Robertson, 6 novembre 2019
Libérez la science, un jeu FAIR-play
« Libérez la science est un jeu pédagogique visant à favoriser les apprentissages et discussions sur le libre accès aux publications…08.11.2019
In the quest of open science: university publishing on ScienceOpen
« (…) in this blog post, we want to focus on university presses and how our platform can assist them in…08.11.2019
A new release of VocBench3 is available
« (…) The newest and most user-friendly version, VocBench 3 v6.0, offers improved visualisation, easier editing of thesauri and dedicated support for ontologies,…08.11.2019
The History and Future of Data Citation in Practice
« In this review, we adopt the definition that ‘Data citation is a reference to data for the purpose of credit…08.11.2019
Un nouveau site pour les archives de la défense
« Le Service historique de la défense propose une version qui va bientôt s’enrichir de nouveaux inventaires. Après neuf mois de…07.11.2019
Pays-Bas : des négociations avivent la crainte d’une “privatisation” de la science
« Aux Pays-Bas, les universités, réunies en consortium, négocient régulièrement avec les éditeurs de contenus scientifiques et académiques. C’est dans le…07.11.2019
Séminaire des référents CollEx-Persée
« (…) Ce séminaire, à mi-parcours de la durée du GIS (2017-2022) souhaite être un lieu de rencontre entre professionnels participants…07.11.2019
OPEN SCIENCE : 3 questions à Sylvain Massip PDG et fondateur d’Opscidia
« (…) « Opscidia est une toute jeune société qui promeut l’open access pour les publications scientifiques.07.11.2019
Le marché du mardi n°50
« Améliorer Wikipedia via PLOS : Peu de chercheurs contribuent à Wikipedia, alors que ce sont des spécialistes qui ont toute…07.11.2019
Déclaration pour le partage et l’ouverture des données de la recherche pour le développement durable
« Les participants du 1er colloque Science Ouverte au Sud « Enjeux et perspectives pour une nouvelle dynamique » organisé à Dakar les…07.11.2019
Why Every Python Developer Will Love Ray
« There are many reasons why Python has emerged as the number one language for data science. It’s easy to get…07.11.2019
Blog DOAJ: We have removed the Seal on more than 40 journals
« DOAJ constantly reviews existing records in DOAJ to ensure that they meet DOAJ criteria, particularly those with the Seal. (…) »07.11.2019
Wiley Partners With Editage to Enhance and Expand Services for Authors
« John Wiley and Sons Inc. (NYSE: JWA) (NYSE: JWB) is pleased to announce a new partnership with Editage, a leading…06.11.2019
Science ouverte en réflexions tropicalisées
« La capitale sénégalaise (Dakar) vient d’abriter le « Colloque international sur la science ouverte au Sud : enjeux et perspectives…06.11.2019
Blog Google: Understanding searches better than ever before
« (…) With the latest advancements from our research team in the science of language understanding–made possible by machine learning–we’re making…06.11.2019
Göttingen State, University Library and De Gruyter Launch an Open Access Book Transformation Project for the Humanities
« De Gruyter and a consortium led by the Göttingen State and University…06.11.2019
MOOC : Conduite de réunion en anglais
« (…) La conduite d’une réunion en anglais nécessite l’apprentissage et la maîtrise d’un certain nombre d’outils linguistiques spécifiques. Ce MOOC…06.11.2019
A Case Report: Building communities with training and resources for Open Science trainers
« To foster responsible research and innovation, research communities, institutions, and funders are shifting their practices and requirements towards Open Science.06.11.2019
Reprints Desk and Evidence Partners Announce Integration To Streamline Literature Reviews and Article Access
« Research Solutions, Inc.,a pioneer in providing cloud-based workflow solutions for R&D driven…06.11.2019
Archivage numérique des données de recherche
« L’UMS GRICAD et le réseau métier des informaticiens SARI organisent le…06.11.2019
SPARC Europe releases summary of Open Data Directive and guidance for its implementation
« In July of this year, The Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information, also called the…05.11.2019
Vous avez dit revue savante canadienne ?
« Comme le dit notre directeur scientifique Vincent Larivière (2014), « les revues canadiennes et québécoises permettent la diffusion des travaux…05.11.2019
UNSILO AI in Academic Publishing Survey 2019 (.pdf)
« Between July and September 2019 UNSILO carried out a survey of academic publishers. They were asked questions about their current…05.11.2019
LYRASIS and LA Referencia Announce Partnership to Engage and Strengthen Community Supported Programs in Latin America
« LYRASIS, an innovative full-service technology and services nonprofit that is home to ten community supported open source programs, and LA…05.11.2019
Introducing QAMyData: A health check for numeric data
« (…) The tool is a free easy-to-use open source tool that provides a health check for numeric data. It uses…blog.ukdataservice.ac.uk, Neil Dymond-Green, 4 novembre 2019
Workshop report: “Data Discovery Across Disciplines” at Open Science Fair 2019
« While we have made great strides when it comes to accessibility of scientific data, discoverability is seriously lacking. As a…05.11.2019
‘Is the library open?’: Correlating unaffiliated access to academic libraries with open access support
« In the context of a growing international focus on open access publishing options and mandates, this paper explores the extent…04.11.2019
DeiC (Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation) Conference 2019 « Changing Interfaces », October 30-31- Fredericia – Denmark
« DeiC conference 2019 took place on 30-31 October in Fredericia at the Trinity Hotel and Conference Centre. The theme for…04.11.2019
Cambridge University Libraries’ Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC): Open Access monographs: from policy to reality – October 2, 2019 [vidéos]
« One-day symposium for Cambridge researchers and support staff organized by Cambridge University Libraries’ Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC), incorporating talks,…04.11.2019
Les Principes de Transparence et de Bonnes Pratiques dans l’Édition Savante
« Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),…04.11.2019
FORCE2019, October 16-17 2019 – Edinburgh [vidéos, diaporamas]
« FORCE2019 Conference was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK on October 16 & 17, 2019 at the Murrayfield Rugby Stadium Conference…04.11.2019