Mot-clé :
DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Open Access
« To promote open access the DFG works closely with partners in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world. As…28.08.2019
Financing open-access publication after 2024
« Several publishers are concerned about the timeline for implementing Plan S, the European initiative that will make all research papers…26.08.2019
Co-building Open Science: Portrait of the University Library as a Publisher
« Located in Lyon, France, the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University is home to 30 000 students in law, management and…26.08.2019
PUBLISSO offer extended
« Comprehensive information on research data management and digital preservation On the publication portal PUBLISSO, ZB MED – Information Center…22.08.2019
PROJEKT DEAL and SPRINGER NATURE reach understanding on world´s largest transformative Open Access agreement
« (…) A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed today between MPDL Services, on behalf of Projekt DEAL, and Springer Nature sets…22.08.2019
Discovering Open Access Engineering Journals: An Examination of Indexing Rates for DOAJ and Non-DOAJ Content
« This study examines the indexing of open access journals in the engineering disciplines. The sample used in this study was…20.08.2019
Are APCs the dominant business model for open-access journals?
« …Or is it just one important among many others? That is an open question. To approach it, we looked into…19.08.2019
Introducing the Open Publishing Awards
« We are very proud to announce that we will be hosting the inaugural Open Publishing Awards:…13.08.2019
« LIBSENSE is building communities of practice and strengthening local and national services to support open science and research in Africa.spaces.wacren.net, Omo Oaiya, dernière modification le août 07, 2019
What’s Next for OpenCon: Putting Equity at the Core
« Today, we’re announcing a shift in how SPARC supports OpenCon to reflect the OpenCon community’s evolution. Instead of hosting a…12.08.2019
How should scholarly societies transition to open access?: Webinar key takeaways and answers to attendee questions
« Following on from last week’s popular webinar entitled How should scholarly societies transition to open access?, we asked our speakers…09.08.2019
AmeliCA before Plan S – The Latin American Initiative to develop a cooperative, non-commercial, academic led, system of scholarly communication
« Open access is often discussed as a process of flipping the existing closed subscription based model of scholarly communication to…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Eduardo Aguado-López, Arianna Becerril-Garcia, 8 aout 2019
The Impact of Open Access on Teaching—How Far Have We Come?
« This article seeks to understand how far the United Kingdom higher education (UK HE) sector has progressed towards open access…mdpi.com, Elizabeth Gadd, Chris Morrison, Jane Secker, 1 août 2019
EIFL checklist: How to make your DSpace open access repository work really well
« EIFL developed this checklist to help repository managers and administrators, librarians and other support staff involved in managing scholarly output…30.07.2019
Can I write an article or book based on my open access thesis?
« This is an interesting question and one that early career researchers commonly ask. You’ve worked long and hard on your…24.07.2019
Roles and jobs in the open research scholarly communications environment: analysing job descriptions to predict future trends
« During the past two-decades academic libraries updated current staff job responsibilities or created brand new roles. This allowed them to…23.07.2019
Plan S Version 2 and the Cost of Quality
« Much has been said about Plan S, both encouraging and critical. The relative preponderance of criticism…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Bernd Pulverer, 22 juillet 2019
Bibliodiversity in Practice: Developing Community-Owned, Open Infrastructures to Unleash Open Access Publishing
« (…) In this article we look at the main features of the existing monograph publication and distribution ecosystem, and question…22.07.2019
Trends for open access to publications
« Data and case studies covering access to scientific publications. Bibliometric data as well as well as data on the policies…18.07.2019
Update on open access and academic journal contracts: a presentation to the University of California Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee
« On July 17, 2019, Acting Provost and Vice Provost Susan Carlson, University Librarian and Chief Digital Scholarship Officer Jeffrey MacKie-Mason,…osc.universityofcalifornia.edu, Günter Waibel, 17 juillet 2019
Wiley’s New Open Access Agreement With Germany and What It Means for You
« Projekt DEAL and Wiley have partnered to support institutions and researchers to advance open research, drive discovery, and develop and…11.07.2019
Peter Suber: The largest obstacles to open access are unfamiliarity and misunderstanding of open access itself
« (…) Open Interview features Peter Suber to understand the current trends, issues and challenges of open…openinterview.org, Peter Suber, Santosh C. Hulagabali, 29 juin 2019
Plan S in Latin America: A precautionary note
« Latin America has historically led a firm and rising Open Access movement and represents the worldwide region with larger adoption…10.07.2019
Open Access Routes Dichotomy and Opportunities: Consolidation, Analysis and Trends at the Spanish National Research Council
« This article gives a comprehensive overview of recent Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) publications available in Open Access. With a…02.07.2019
Open Access becomes normality – DEAL-Wiley agreement comes into effect on 1 July 2019
(…) On 1 July 2019, the DEAL agreement with Wiley will become fully effective. The agreement provides members of…28.06.2019
Plans for a new Open Access Book Network take shape
« Foundational planning is currently underway for the formation of an Open Access Book Network. Development of this network was the…28.06.2019
The DOAJ Spring Cleaning 2016 and What Was Removed—Tragic Loss or Good Riddance?
« In December 2012, DOAJ’s (The Directory of Open Access Journals) parent company, IS4OA, announced they would introduce new criteria for…mdpi.com, Jan Erik Frantsvåg, 27 juin 2019, https://doi.org/10.3390/publications7030045
Project DeepGreen
« The Project Deep Green aims to transfer scientific publications, which can be made freely available after the end of their…27.06.2019
Learned Societies, the key to realising an open access future?
« Plan S, a funder led initiative to drive open access to research, will have significant impacts on the ways in…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Alicia Wise, Lorraine Estelle, 24 juin 2019
Les vidéos des webinaires OALR : « Introduction à l’Open Access », « Enjeux de l’identité numérique du chercheur »
« Vous trouverez les enregistrements vidéo des deux webinaires qui ont eu lieu : – Introduction à l’Open Access (webinaire…21.06.2019
PAPAGO – votre assistant personnel Open Access
« (…) Votre assistant personnalisé Aimeriez-vous connaître vos possibilités de financement, vos droits et vos obligations en ce qui concerne…21.06.2019
The troubles of high-profile open access megajournals
« The rise in open access journals was followed by the proliferation of open access megajournals, which were once expected to…link.springer.com, Petr Heneberg, 7 juin 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-019-03144-6
The future of open access books: Findings from a global survey of academic book authors
« A global Springer Nature survey of more than 2,500 academic book authors provides in-depth insights into attitudes towards open access.17.06.2019
Research England awards £2.2m to project to improve and increase open access publishing
« A new Research England funded project is set to help universities, researchers, libraries and publishers to make more, and better,…17.06.2019
Strengthening bibliodiversity: The current situation in France at national and institutional levels
« Almost one year after the announcement of the French National Plan for Open Science, the intervention aims at presenting a…14.06.2019
Suisse – Objectif 100%: généraliser les publications en Open Access
« Les bénéficiaires de subsides du FNS sont tenus de donner libre accès à leurs résultats et pourtant, seulement 50%…12.06.2019
Indicators of Open Access for universities
« This paper presents a first attempt to analyse Open Access integration at the institutional level. For this, we combine information…11.06.2019
cOAlition S appoints Jisc expert to accelerate open access
« Neil Jacobs, head of open science and research lifecycle at Jisc, has been appointed as interim programme manager for the…06.06.2019
How will the emerging generation of scholars transform scholarly communication?
« Presenting evidence from the Harbingers Study, a three-year longitudinal study of Early Career Researchers (ECRs), David Nicholas assesses the extent…05.06.2019
The gold rush: Why open access will boost publisher profits
« An important justification for transitioning from a subscription based journal publishing system to an open access journal publishing system, has…03.06.2019
Towards a Roadmap for Open Access Monographs: A Knowledge Exchange Report
« This report outlines the key findings and recommendations coming out of the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Stakeholder Workshop on Open Access…03.06.2019
Altruism or Self-Interest? Exploring the Motivations of Open Access Authors
« More than 250 authors at Utah State University published an Open Access (OA) article in 2016. Analysis of survey results…29.05.2019
Public Policies for Scholarly Communication in Latin America
« This document, prepared by LA Referencia, characterizes the current regional situation regarding open access, reflects on « Plan S », and gives…29.05.2019
CWTS Leiden Ranking 2019 provides indicators of open access publishing and gender diversity
« Open access publishing and gender diversity are among the most heavily debated issues in science policy. To inform the debate…29.05.2019
Help shape the new copyright law in your country; the ship has already set sail: don’t be left behind
« As reported in March 2019, a new copyright directive for the digital single market has been…22.05.2019
Fondation DOAB : vers un label de qualité pour les livres académiques en accès ouvert
« L’édition scientifique connait une révolution depuis plusieurs années avec le développement de l’accès ouvert, ou open access, qui permet à…21.05.2019
Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing
« The changing world of scholarly communication and the emerging new wave of ‘Open Science’ or ‘Open Research’ has brought to…21.05.2019
Crafting Linked Open Data to Enhance the Discoverability of Institutional Repositories on the Web
« Institutional repositories are archives for collecting and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of institutions. Linked open data is…20.05.2019
Revues en open access : les bibliothécaires plus concernés que jamais ?
« (…) Le modèle éditorial dominant issu des majors de l’édition scientifique a paradoxalement conduit les bibliothèques à se soumettre à…14.05.2019
Open and closed – What do reverse flips tell us about the scholarly publishing landscape?
« The progress of Open Access (OA) is often measured by the proportion of journals that have transitioned to OA publication…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Lisa Matthias, Najko Jahn, Mikael Laakso, 13 mai 2019
Aligning Social Media Indicators with the Documents in an Open Access Repository
« In this paper we describe our current efforts towards building a framework that extends the functionality of an Open Access…13.05.2019
Des Webinaires sur l’Open Access
« Le groupe Open Access Languedoc-Roussillon propose aux acteurs de la recherche une série de webinaires portant sur des thématiques et…13.05.2019
Article Processing Charge Hyperinflation and Price Insensitivity: An Open Access Sequel to the Serials Crisis
« Open access publishing has frequently been proposed as a solution to the serials crisis, which involved unsustainable budgetary pressures on…13.05.2019
L’édition scientifique et l’Open Access
« 1. L’édition scientifique traditionnelle 2. La crise de l’édition scientifique 3. Naissance et institutionnalisation de l’Open Access 4. Open Access…10.05.2019
OA2020 and cOAlition S Launch Joint Statement
« Joint Statement of OA2020 and cOAlition S: Research Performing and Research Funding Organizations Working Together to Accelerate the Transition to…06.05.2019
SAGE Publishing and Aptara announce a technology partnership to collect open access article -processing charges
« Aptara has partnered with SAGE Publishing to provide an integrated SAGE-branded online platform to collect open access (OA) Creative Commons…03.05.2019
Open access and Plan S: what do key stakeholders think?
« The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP)’s first white paper, ‘A…30.04.2019
Vous prendrez bien un petit Barcamp avant de passer à la conférence ?
« Marlene’s corner poursuit les collaborations en accueillant un nouvel invité : Romain Féret, chargé de mission Open Access et données…29.04.2019
Asia OA Meeting – 2019 [diaporamas]
« The Asia OA Meeting provided an opportunity to learn about global trends, share information across Asian countries, and help with…26.04.2019
Open Access: it’s about more than just journal articles
« For Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities respectively over 40% and over 60% of output consists of not being regular…26.04.2019
Spotlight on Open Access Monographs: Collecting Stories from LIBER Libraries
« The transition to Open Access (OA) has accelerated in recent months thanks to international initiatives such as Plan S.26.04.2019